google-site-verification: google6508e39c6ec03602.html Senate Dems make push for Jack Lew’s confirmation after attack in Israel ~ The news

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Sunday 8 October 2023

Senate Dems make push for Jack Lew’s confirmation after attack in Israel

Senate Democrats are pushing aggressively for quick confirmation of Jack Lew as ambassador to Israel after the attack by Hamas on Saturday.

Lew was nominated in early September. But the attack, widely condemned by both parties and across the ideological spectrum, will kick the effort into high gear. It will jump start a broader debate over aid to Israel in an already chaotic fall.

Senate Foreign Relations Chair Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said he hopes fellow senators “will join me in promptly confirming” Lew. And Sen. Brian Schatz, a Democratic member of the Foreign Relations Committee, said "we should do this instantaneously and we also need to confirm a chief of Naval Operations."

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) is preventing many military promotions from a quick vote in protest over the Pentagon's abortion travel policy.

"This is serious business. If he wants to change healthcare policy at DOD, he can introduce a bill. But he cannot undermine our ability to partner with our allies and partners," Schatz said on Saturday.

Biden administration officials also are eager to see Lew confirmed in light of the Saturday’s attacks in Israel. In a conference call Saturday, one senior official noted that he has yet to be confirmed. “Obviously it would be great to have him on the ground in Israel,” the official said.

Myah Ward contributed to this repot.

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