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Wednesday 4 October 2023

Canada’s Parliament elects first Black speaker

OTTAWA, Ont. — Canada's House of Commons has elected Liberal MP Greg Fergus as speaker — the first time a Black Canadian will hold the role.

Fergus, who represents a Quebec riding across the river from Ottawa, bested six other candidates: Chris d'Entremont, Carol Hughes, Alexandra Mendès, Peter Schiefke, Sean Casey and Elizabeth May.

Fergus takes on the task of presiding over a fractious House. "What motivates me, and what I vow to work night and day to promote and advance, can be summed up in one word, respect," Fergus said during a short speech before polling stations opened in the chamber.

He promised to be "firm, thoughtful, collaborative, consistent and certainly fair."

Some Conservatives were vocally opposed to Fergus's candidacy. Calgary MP Michelle Rempel Garner claimed a past ethics violation made him unfit for the role.

Still, Poilievre smiled as he guided Fergus to the chair with the help of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau — a centuries-old parliamentary tradition in which the new speaker feigns reluctance at taking on the job.

MPs voted in person on a secret ranked ballot. The detailed vote breakdowns are never released publicly.

— The backstory: Fergus's election caps a tumultuous period in the House.

Former speaker Anthony Rota lost the confidence of every party in the chamber last month after he publicly recognized a Ukrainian-Canadian veteran who fought under Nazi command.

Trudeau and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who had just delivered a historic address, joined Rota and the rest of the chamber in standing ovations for Yaroslav Hunka, whose personal history evaded any screening processes.

Rota faced widespread resignation calls from Jewish groups and eventually every party in the House of Commons. He quit on Sept. 27, setting in motion a rare mid-session speaker election — the likes of which hadn't occurred in the chamber since 1986.

— The perks: The speaker receives the base MP salary of C$194,600, plus a top-up of C$92,800 and a C$1,000 car allowance. They hobnob with dignitaries in a private reception area and travel on official visits to other countries. The gig also comes with an official residence, The Farm, located on an estate north of the city in Gatineau Park.

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