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Wednesday 9 August 2023

‘I’m not going to say the word “acting”’: Kamala Harris defends Julie Su amid Labor nomination fight

Vice President Kamala Harris made it clear on Tuesday that she would call Julie Su simply the Labor secretary, intentionally leaving out “acting” from her title.

Harris made the pointed reference to the lingering uncertainty surrounding the Biden administration’s nominee for the post on a visit to a Philadelphia union hall, where she announced new union-friendly labor changes.

While introducing members of the administration in the audience, Harris called out “acting Secretary Julie Su” but quickly backtracked: “I’ll call her Labor secretary. I’m not going to say the word ‘acting.’”

“I’ve known her for many years. And she is a true fighter for the working people and working families of America. Thank you!” the vice president added.

It has been 147 days since President Joe Biden nominated Su, the first Cabinet-level official to be replaced in his administration. Last month, the White House decided to keep Su as an acting appointee indefinitely, considering the improbable confirmation of her role by a closely divided Senate.

Since all Republicans are anticipated to be against her confirmation, Su needs both Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) on board to have enough votes. But Manchin is unlikely to change his opposition, which stems from what he has called “genuine concerns” about Su’s “more progressive background.” And there is little expectation that Sinema, who has not publicly disclosed her position, will offer her support to Su.

Because Su was previously confirmed as deputy secretary, the Department of Labor’s succession policy allows her to continue her duties indefinitely until a successor is appointed. Still, congressional Republicans have tried to prevent Su from continuing to serve without approval, accusing Biden of sidestepping the confirmation process and urging him to withdraw the nomination.

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