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Thursday 9 February 2023

Biden's about to have a Cabinet opening. Asian American lawmakers have a favorite.

Asian American lawmakers pushed hard for Julie Su to join the Cabinet two years ago, only to fall short. Now they're preparing to try again.

Marty Walsh’s expected departure from the helm of the Labor Department is reviving a lobbying blitz by Asian American members of Congress for more diversity in President Joe Biden's top adviser ranks. And they're embracing Su, who's now the deputy secretary, for the top job.

What's not clear yet, though, is whether Asian American lawmakers will play the same type of hardball they attempted in 2021, when they courted a showdown with the White House over its failure to tap an AAPI secretary for the Cabinet. After Biden ultimately passed over Su for Walsh, then Boston's mayor, Sens. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) later vented their broader discontent with a vow to slow-walk many of his nominees — and ended up accepting the appointment of a senior Asian American Pacific Islander liaison and other commitments in response.

This time, they’re hoping they can avoid a fight.

“It's the first administration in 20 years without an [Asian American Pacific Islander] Cabinet secretary … This is the first chance they have to diversify the Cabinet,” Duckworth said. “So I'm waiting to see. Hopefully they will nominate her or an AAPI.”

The Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus is already weighing in and endorsed Su Wednesday. In a statement, the caucus members presented her potential nomination as an opportunity for Biden “to better realize the ‘most diverse Cabinet in history.’”

Rep. Mark Takano (D-Calif.), who helped lead the Asian American caucus’ push for Su last time, called her a “no-brainer choice” for Biden.

Walsh is the first of Biden's Cabinet secretaries slated to leave, creating a high profile vacancy for a Senate-confirmed position that’s already spurring intense behind-the-scenes jockeying. With a 51-seat majority in the upper chamber, Democrats can confirm whomever Biden nominates without needing GOP votes.

When it comes to GOP support, however, Su demonstrably lags Walsh, who got 18 Senate Republican votes when he was confirmed in March 2021. No Republicans voted to confirm Su to her current position, making her a likely more contentious pick if she's tapped.

Su’s proponents argue that she’s most qualified to take the reins at the department, especially given her tenure there. And they tout her years of experience in high-ranking labor positions in California, as well as her earlier work representing low-wage and immigrant workers — including at a Los Angeles legal aid organization.

But during her confirmation hearing for deputy labor secretary, she faced questions about addressing fraud while she oversaw California’s unemployment insurance office, as well as her implementation of a controversial state law that redefined many gig workers as company employees.

Three Asian Americans currently serve in Cabinet-level positions for Biden: Vice President Kamala Harris, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai and Arati Prabhakar, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy. But advocates for stronger Asian American representation emphasize that a Cabinet secretary role is different.

“We want to acknowledge that the Biden administration, by almost every measure, has been fantastic when it comes to AAPI inclusion within his administration,” said Gregg Orton, national director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans. "The one sort of glaring area for improvement is the fact that there isn’t an AAPI Cabinet secretary … This is a genuine opportunity to correct for that.”

For now, the Biden administration isn’t commenting on a Labor Department successor. Asked Wednesday about a potential replacement for Walsh, Senior Liaison Erika Moritsugu told reporters that Walsh had been tweeting during Tuesday’s State of the Union — where he stayed back as the “designated survivor” — and added: “We don’t have a vacancy at this moment. Nothing further on that.”

Su wouldn’t be the first Asian American woman to head up the Labor Department. Elaine Chao became the first female Asian American Cabinet secretary in 2001, leading the department for all eight years of George W. Bush’s administration. (Chao also later served as transportation secretary under former President Donald Trump.) Chris Lu, who was deputy labor secretary during President Barack Obama’s administration, was the first Asian American in the department's number-two slot.

Su is widely viewed as the frontrunner, and her supporters include union leaders like American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.

Another potential boost for Su: Biden may be reluctant to replace one white male secretary with another, given his administration’s stated commitment to diversity and the likelihood that such a move would rankle Senate Democrats. That amounts to a hurdle for union-friendly figures like Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) and former Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.), both of whose names were floated during the presidential transition in 2020 and who could get reconsidered now.

In addition, Levin is angling to become ambassador to Haiti, according to two people familiar with the situation who spoke candidly on condition of anonymity. Rep. Linda Sánchez (D-Calif.), a former labor lawyer, has also been floated for the Labor job, according to two different people familiar who also sought anonymity to speak candidly.

Walsh’s resume was a major selling point ahead of his initial selection, and some want Biden to consider other union leaders for the job. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who would helm any confirmation hearing for Labor Secretary, named Association of Flight Attendants-CWA President Sara Nelson or Clinton-era Labor Secretary Robert Reich as potential candidates he would support.

But Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), both an Asian American caucus member and the top Democrat on the Education and Workforce Committee, said Su “would be good.”

“She’s done well so far,” he added.

Sarah Ferris and Eleanor Mueller contributed to this report.

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