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Wednesday 10 January 2024

DeSantis issues state of emergency after major storms hit Florida

TALLAHASSEE, Florida — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday declared a state of emergency for 49 Florida counties after strong storms hammered the Panhandle, leaving a wide swath of damage across the region.

DeSantis finalized the emergency declaration from the state Capitol in Tallahassee as tornado sirens blared throughout the complex. The storm brought reports of at least three tornadoes and winds of up to 70 mph as it moved east.

The executive order signed by DeSantis declaring the emergency includes almost 50 counties that were either hit by the storm or could face damage from more storms that are expected to move over the state throughout the day. The order directs the state to seek federal assistance from the White House and activates the state National Guard. It also allows the state to enter into emergency contracts without the customary bidding process.

The storm hit the Panhandle as the Legislature kicked off this year’s 60-day session in Tallahassee to make laws and approve next year’s state budget. The governor traditionally kicks off the legislative session with a state-of-the-state speech that was delayed this year by about a half hour as the governor’s office finished publishing the order.

“We just do what we do in Florida — we respond when these things happen,” DeSantis said during Tuesday's speech during a joint-session held by the House and Senate. “The state of Florida stands with you and we will deal with the fallout from these tornadoes.”

The first photos of the aftermath left by the storm showed mobile homes overturned and pine trees snapped like toothpicks. State Sen. Jay Trumbull (R-Panama City) posted photos of brick structures that had also toppled.

“Devastating pictures coming in from across our district following this morning’s storms. Please keep these communities in your prayers,” Trumbull posted on X, formerly known as Twitter.

The looming threat of the storm Monday night prompted DeSantis to close most state agency offices, with the exception of people who work in the Capitol. Tallahassee’s city-owned power utility service reported more than 15,000 customers without power less than an hour after the storm passed.

The damage from the storm may not reach the threshold that would make the state eligible for assistance from FEMA, but state disaster surveyors will begin touring storm-battered areas across north Florida over the next couple of days, Division of Emergency Management Director Kevin Guthrie said Tuesday.

Opening day for the legislative session continued without any impact from the storm. Missing from the opening ceremony was state Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, who is from Panama City Beach and had traveled to the Panhandle to help after the storm.

Many of the areas hit by Tuesday's storm had also taken a direct hit from Hurricane Michael, which made landfall as a Category 5 storm near Panama City before it moved north toward Jackson county and the Georgia state line.

from Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

Tuesday 9 January 2024

‘We Don’t Want to Be a National Laughingstock’: How Lauren Boebert Blew Her Safe Seat

GRAND JUNCTION, Colorado — Every evening, as Maisy Reid prepares to take her dog for a walk, she makes sure she has her essentials in hand: a plastic waste bag, a leash and a 9mm pistol. Her Honda Pilot sports a 'Let’s Go Brandon' bumper sticker. The 58-year-old runs a conservative Bible study every third Sunday of the month, and she plays darts in her garage with a dartboard whose bullseye is marked by a sticker of Joe Biden’s face.

She had never, ever voted for a Democrat — until she switched sides in the 2022 election. She hadn’t changed party allegiances. Instead, Lauren Boebert had pushed her over the edge.

Reid had supported the Colorado Republican firebrand when Boebert pulled off a 2020 primary election upset. And as an avid Fox News connoisseur, Reid was thrilled the first time she saw her local member of Congress appear on the cable network. But as Boebert’s media hits began to pile up, and her provocative antics consistently made headlines, the novelty soon got old. Reid remembers her exact breaking point — a February 2022 Boebert appearance on Fox News’ "Jesse Watters Primetime." At a time when Reid was facing personal financial difficulties, her representative seemed focused on something entirely different — mocking Democrats as "Branch Covidians” who were “addicted to masks.”

“I still blame Biden and the Democrats for the skyrocketing costs,” Reid explained, “but I got a weird sort of feeling when Boebert was ranting about masks because, by that point, masks were irrelevant here. What mattered was the cost of gas and food and rent. It seemed she was out of touch.”

In Reid’s view, Boebert was more interested in becoming a far-right pundit and political celebrity than anything else. The pro-gun, MAGA politics that once made Boebert so attractive no longer outweighed the drawbacks of having a member of Congress who seemed addicted to the limelight.

Boebert nearly lost her seat in 2022 because of a legion of alienated voters like Maisy Reid. And despite running in a district that voted for Donald Trump by an eight-point margin in 2020, her fortunes next year were looking even worse. She trailed in the polls, was being carpet-bombed by millions of dollars’ worth of Democratic attack ads and wasn't even guaranteed to make it out of the Republican primary.

So on Dec. 27, after an annus horribilis that also included a divorce, Boebert made a dramatic announcement: She was switching congressional districts. In 2024, she would run in the neighboring — and more solidly red — 4th District.

In a video posted to Twitter, Boebert described it “as the right move for her personally and the right decision for those who support our conservative movement.”

In truth, it was a desperate act by a desperate candidate.

The district she currently occupies, the 3rd, is culturally conservative by nature and not necessarily averse to being represented by a culture warrior. But Boebert in her short tenure in Congress had proved to be something more than that — an ideological performance artist who drew more notice for courting controversy and generating outrage than for her legislating or constituent service.

Her predicament — and her quest for a safer harbor — is offering insight into questions that are proliferating in an era of lightning-rod House members whose stock in trade is stoking the outrage machine. What exactly do we expect from our members of Congress? And how far are we willing to let them go in defending our tribal values?

At 49,730 square miles, the district Lauren Boebert currently represents is larger than most states. It is predominantly rural and agrarian, with strong ties to the oil and gas industry. In many places, it’s not unusual to spot someone grocery shopping with a sidearm on their hip. Diesel trucks rumble down rural roads flying the Gadsden flag adopted by the Tea Party movement, and sometimes even the Confederate flag. They’re expressions of the anti-establishment, anti-liberal sentiment that has found a home across much of Colorado’s Western Slope.

To some degree, it explains the immediate connection Boebert made with local voters. At first, there was something liberating about Boebert’s contentious style. She was a political outsider who spoke her mind, even if no one could be sure what she’d say next.

She owned a gun-themed restaurant in the town of Rifle called Shooters Grill before a much-publicized September 2019 confrontation with Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke served as her springboard to Congress.

“I liked her the moment she went after Beto,” said David Mclean, a 76-year-old Republican from Montrose. Mclean felt abandoned by urban voters, coastal elites and a state and federal government that didn’t seem to understand his needs. To him, the Democratic Party threatened the rural way of life, and Boebert spoke to those fears. Mclean, who was present at the town hall meeting where she confronted O’Rourke, said “it was like Boebert was vocalizing my exact thoughts.”

A little over a year later, she was elected to the House.

Once in Congress, Boebert quickly captured national attention. The Capitol has always been a place that attracts members who thirst for notoriety and fly too close to the sun, but even by those standards, Boebert stood out.

She resisted mask and vaccine mandates in the House chamber, earning a $500 fine from the House Ethics Committee. She set off metal detectors at the entrance to the House floor by refusing to part with her sidearm, causing a dispute with Capitol police. She amplified Trump's baseless election fraud claims, tweeted ‘Today is 1776’ on the day of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and suggested Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who is Muslim, was a terrorist. She expressed hope in the existence of "Q," the anonymous QAnon figure, and, just two hours after a shooting in Boulder that killed 10, sent a fundraising email opposing gun control measures advocated by "radical liberals" Pelosi and Biden.

And all of this was in just her first year in Washington.

Boebert proved to be a nonstop provocation machine, with an uncanny ability to make the left’s blood boil — witness a 2021 holiday photo she posted to X featuring her and her four sons brandishing assault rifles in front of a Christmas tree. Or her heckling of President Joe Biden during the State of the Union a few months later.

Her high profile and MAGA bona fides naturally caught Donald Trump’s attention. Celebrating her primary election victory in a Grand Junction bar in June 2022, cocooned by a crowd of elated constituents, Boebert was in mid-interview with the local media when her iPhone began to ring. Seeing "POTUS" on the caller ID, her eyes popped. She hastily cut her response short, excused herself from the interview, then hurried to the stage and reclaimed the microphone.

“Mr. President,” she declared triumphantly, raising her phone to the mic, “you are now on speakerphone.”

“You have one of the greatest congresswomen, I think, in history,” the former president told the giddy crowd.

For much of the past two years, if you were driving west on I-70 approaching Grand Junction, you could see similar sentiments on display at the Grand Junction Motor Speedway, a world-class, go-cart racetrack located on the outskirts of town. A long chain link fence that separates the road from the track was covered in upwards of 50 Lauren Boebert campaign signs, making it one of the first sights to greet visitors to the city, other than iconic Mount Garfield.

In October, however, all those signs disappeared. The owner didn’t return calls asking why.

It’s a metaphor for Boebert’s precarious standing in Mesa County today, the Republican hub of her congressional district. Mesa powered her primary upset in 2020 and delivered a landslide margin that November, but today it’s more like a seat of resistance. Grand Junction spawned Restore the Balance, a bipartisan nonprofit group aimed at combating political extremism that was created in response to the events of Jan. 6 and Boebert herself. The city’s mayor, Anna Stout — who refers to Boebert as “toxic” — is running in the Democratic primary for Congress. Jeff Hurd, a conservative attorney and former chair of the board of the Grand Junction Area Chamber of Commerce, is in the race on the GOP side.

“We gave the world Lauren Boebert and Tina Peters,” Stout said, referring to the former Mesa County clerk and recorder indicted in a breach of the county’s election system. “We’re not proud of it. And although I don’t speak of this diverse district monolithically, there is an acute sense of being fed up here. We don’t want to be a national laughingstock.”

On the Republican side, Hurd’s campaign makes the same point, though less explicitly. His campaign slogan is “Serious leadership for rural Colorado,” and his bio notes that he is running because the district deserves “someone focused on doing something instead of just being someone.

They were just two of the many adversaries Boebert left behind when she jumped ship to run in the 4th District. There is also Democrat Adam Frisch, who is making his second try for the seat after losing to Boebert by less than 1 percentage point in 2022 — a race so close that it wasn’t decided until weeks after Election Day. A recount confirmed Boebert had won by a mere 546 votes, making it the closest congressional race in the nation.

Frisch originally wasn’t given much of a chance of winning in 2022. This time around, political handicappers widely considered the rematch a toss-up, a testament to the bad blood engendered by Boebert.

The Aspen Democrat has raised nearly three times more money than Boebert this year — thanks to his polarizing opponent, he ranks as the top-raising challenger anywhere in the country. His campaign reported raising $8.6 million through the end of September — and $3.4 million in the third quarter alone.

"If we don't turn things around quickly, we could lose this seat to the Democrats," the representative said in an Aug. 29 fundraising email. "I can't believe I'm saying those words, but I need you to understand how dire this situation is. [Adam Frisch's] latest internal polls have him beating us by two points."

Even Republican stalwarts like David Mclean, who had been so captivated by Boebert when she confronted O’Rourke, had abandoned her. In his case, it wasn’t the controversies that ultimately turned him away. It was the representative's vote against the Honoring Our PACT Act in March 2022 — a law aimed at expanding veteran healthcare to include health conditions caused by exposure to burn pits and Agent Orange. Boebert had justified her vote by citing its high cost and potential to contribute to the backlog of cases for individuals already in the Veterans Affairs system.

A veteran himself, Mclean said he felt “totally betrayed.” But that wasn’t all. A devout Christian, Mclean said Boebert had finally crossed a line for him while speaking at a conservative Christian gathering in Colorado Springs a few months later when she implied Jesus Christ’s death could have been prevented if he had an AR-15.

The signs that the walls were closing in were everywhere, yet Boebert hardly seemed chastened in the months after her narrow escape from defeat. In March 2023, at a Colorado Parks and Wildlife public meeting in Grand Junction regarding the state’s plan to reintroduce gray wolves, Boebert made a surprise appearance, took to the mic and began a strident condemnation of state employees. The group of ranchers in the audience yelled for her to “sit down” and “shut up.”

Russ Andrews, a Trump voter who voted for Boebert in 2022, says his respect for her faded after she failed to tone down her rhetoric and antics after “what should have been a humbling election in 2022.”

The near loss to Frisch “should have been a slap in the face. It should have been a wake up call that she was losing her grip on the district, that she wasn’t producing results, that the district had become so fed up it nearly chose a Democrat from Aspen over her,” Andrews said. “But she didn’t seem to care.”

In April, Andrews announced he, too, would run in the GOP primary for Boebert’s seat.

By the end of the summer, her deteriorating prospects were obvious. Then came a September incident where she was escorted out of a Denver performance of “Beetlejuice” for vaping, groping her companion and generally causing a disturbance. After the episode, which made national headlines, it wasn’t just the Democratic pockets of her district — like Aspen and Pueblo — that Boebert needed to worry about: Her support from local Republicans also began to crater. And she knew it.

After first dismissing the theater incident — “I plead guilty to laughing and singing too loud!” she posted on X — Boebert issued a public apology. She amped up her appearances across the sprawling district, apologizing for the Beetlejuice scandal at numerous Lincoln Day dinners. She even began engaging with local media outlets she had previously shunned and accused of bias. (The first time I met Boebert in 2022, when she discovered I interned for the Denver Post, she told me she was sorry I “sold my soul to the lamestream media.”)

As she sanded down the edges of her political persona, the culture war staples took a backseat to more district-specific concerns like a Bureau of Land Management draft resource management plan that may restrict future natural gas development in parts of the district.

None of it was enough to restore the damage.

A little over three months after the Beetlejuice incident, Boebert announced her intention to move from the Western Slope-based 3rd District to the high plains of eastern Colorado’s 4th District. Like her current district, the 4th is largely rural and covers a huge expanse — essentially the eastern half of the state. But there’s one important distinction: It’s even redder. Trump won nearly 6 out of every 10 votes there in 2020, marking it as his best-performing congressional district in the state.

For the Republican Party, Boebert’s decision to switch districts could end up being a boon. Without Boebert, the dynamics of the 3rd District race suddenly change — it is now an open seat race in a district with a Republican lean, giving the GOP a slight advantage. The 4th District, which is also an open seat race due to the retirement of Republican Rep. Ken Buck, is all but certain to remain in GOP hands. That’s true whether or not Boebert wins the Republican nomination. She’s no shoo-in — there is already a crowded primary underway, and she’s been branded a “carpetbagger” by one of her new rivals.

Boebert campaign manager Drew Sexton said in a statement prior to the district switch that Boebert had a special type of credibility with voters. “Voters know the congresswoman is one of them; our biggest strength is her connection to rural Coloradans who have seen her stand by her principles and give them a clear, unwavering voice in Congress.”

But plenty of local Republicans in her current district expressed relief upon the news of Boebert’s departure.

“She pulled the Band-Aid off. If she had a chance to get reelected, she wouldn’t have left. No way. Boebert knows Republicans and Democrats alike smell blood in the water,” said Rhett Garcia, a Republican voter in Mesa County. “I’m just glad she’s gone. It’s time for an adult to represent the district.”

In the video announcing her decision to switch districts and run for a potentially safer seat, Boebert gave little hint that she had been chastened or intended to change gears, nodding instead to her support for Trump and her disdain for various hobgoblins on the left such as George Soros, Hollywood actors and Aspen donors. It seemed to suggest Boebert’s takeaway from her experience was that there’s still a market for her brand of "angertainment," it just requires a safer seat.

“Since the first day I ran for public office, I promised I would do whatever it takes to stop the socialists and the communists from taking over our country,” she said. “That means staying in the fight.”

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What we’re watching in the final week before Iowa

There is just one week to go until the Iowa caucuses — and there’s a lot we’re watching.

It’s the first concrete test of former President Donald Trump’s momentum in the GOP presidential primary. He’s widely expected to win, but next week’s results could give us a clearer picture of how the rest of the primary will go: Will it be a Trump blowout, or could he face some serious competition?

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — once seen as Trump’s most formidable opponent — and former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley, who has been rising in the polls, are fighting to chip away at some of the former president’s support in the race for second place. Businessperson Vivek Ramaswamy has crossed every county in the state — twice — but is still struggling to overcome the rest of his opponents. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, meanwhile, isn’t even putting energy into Iowa, and is instead focusing on New Hampshire’s contest later this month.

We asked six POLITICO campaign reporters what they’re keeping an eye on in the key final stretch before the Iowa caucuses.

What are you watching throughout the week?

Meridith McGraw: What’s so strange about this next week is that Trump will be spending two days — Tuesday and Thursday — sitting in courtrooms rather than out on the campaign trail. He was in Iowa over the weekend, and has plans to do a Fox News town hall and a rally blitz next weekend. But the split screen of a leading candidate in court and on the trail will be unprecedented and weird.

Natalie Allison: Does Haley have massive crowds trying to see her in Iowa this week? And I don’t mean “Did her advance staff successfully fill a 200-person room to capacity?” because they’ve done a great job of that in Iowa for nearly a year now. But with a few other candidates also fighting for voters’ attention this week across the state, I’m interested in whether droves of Iowans will turn up to see her.

Kimberly Leonard: I’m interested to hear how well DeSantis is resonating. On paper, DeSantis did everything he was supposed to do to win Iowa by having a strong conservative policy record, visiting all 99 counties and getting the most coveted endorsements. For voters who aren’t convinced by his candidacy: What’s missing?

Adam Wren: I’m watching whether Ramaswamy turns out a non-traditional caucus-goer that maybe hasn’t caucused before, including college students. His argument is that these supporters aren’t registering in the polls, which show him in fourth.

Lisa Kashinsky: Christie means it when he says he’s staking his campaign on New Hampshire. While everyone else is camping out in Iowa this week, Christie is returning to the Granite State on Tuesday for a multi-day swing and is in the midst of a seven-figure advertising blitz there. His allied super PAC is also up on the airwaves in the Granite State. Christie’s campaign says it doesn’t have anyone on the ground in Iowa and has no plans to go there.

Steve Shepard: Momentum, momentum, momentum. In the last two Republican caucuses, the candidate leading in the polls a week out didn't win. In 2016, Trump led Ted Cruz a week before the caucuses by 6 points. In 2012, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) was sixth — you read that right, sixth — in the RealClearPolitics polling average a week before the caucuses but rapidly gained steam in the run-up to the vote. That's not to suggest a similar comeback is likely this year, given that the leads for Trump and former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), respectively, were in the single digits. But don't forget that caucuses aren't primaries. They're a collective event held all at the same time, and voters want to be on the side with Big Mo'.

What’s one thing you’ll be watching on the night of the caucus?

Meridith: I’ll be paying attention to the Northwest corner of the state. The four counties in the corner of the state are ruby red, having the highest concentration of Republicans and predominantly evangelical Christian populations. It will be interesting to see where their support goes, and what strength Trump has there versus his rivals.

Adam: Do Iowa’s Evangelicals stick with Trump, or does the Bob Vander Plaats machine crank to life and deliver Ron DeSantis a surprise victory?

Kimberly: Trump is poised to take Iowa. But it’s still possible that DeSantis will exceed expectations. I’ll be watching how his campaign frames the results. If he does worse than expected: Who will be blamed?

Natalie: Beyond curious to find out by what margin Trump (likely) wins. Is it an unprecedented walloping like his current polling shows, or is it actually close?

Steve: I’ll be watching to see whether we get a result at all. We all remember Democrats’ meltdown four years ago. But Republicans’ record here isn’t unblemished either. Back in the 2012 caucuses, it appeared then-former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney had won. Then, two weeks later, the state GOP said, no, Santorum (R-Pa.) actually won. Then the next day, it said it was too close to call. Finally, in a statement in the middle of the night some 17 days after the caucuses, the state party officially declared Santorum the winner.

What would count as a good night for the candidate you’re covering?

Meridith: I was reminded by a Trump staffer that no candidate has ever won Iowa by more than 12 points. The Trump campaign is looking to win by an even greater margin than that, and so I’ll be looking to see if his dominance in the polls is reflected in Monday’s results.

Natalie: By Haley’s top surrogate Chris Sununu’s measure, it’s coming in second in Iowa. He announced recently that she would, so hard to say anything less than that (even a close third) can count as a win there for her now.

Kimberly: DeSantis needs at a minimum to come in as a close second place, otherwise there will be a widespread sense that his campaign is effectively over. That kind of showing would give some credence to the idea that he has a shot against Trump and also give him momentum heading into other early primary states. It would also help vindicate his all-in-on-Iowa strategy.

Lisa: A good night for Christie would be if Haley finishes in third place or worse. She’s surged into second place in New Hampshire polls while Christie trails in third place, on average. So Christie and his team have to be hoping she has a bad night in Iowa that could blunt her momentum as the presidential contest heads east.

Adam: Ramaswamy has to finish a very close fourth to have even a husk of an argument to move beyond Iowa.

A version of this story first appeared in POLITICO Pro’s Morning Score newsletter. Sign up for POLITICO Pro.

from Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

Gov. Newsom announces delayed special election for McCarthy seat

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The special primary election to replace former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy will be held on March 19, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday, giving Republican hopefuls a longer-than-expected window to mount a campaign for the solidly-red seat.

If necessary, a runoff will be on May 21.

Rather than consolidating it with the state’s March 5 primary, the governor scheduled the special primary election at a later date at the request of county officials. Counties in the Bakersfield-area district were concerned that a consolidated election would lead to increased costs and voter confusion, according to the governor’s office.

The election to finish out the rest of McCarthy’s term will run parallel with the race to succeed him. Assemblymember Vince Fong is running to replace his longtime mentor, and confirmed to POLITICO on Monday that he would compete in the special election as well, to finish out the remainder of McCarthy’s term.

Other Republicans vying for the seat include the Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux and former congressional candidate David Giglio.

McCarthy announced his resignation in December after a short and tumultuous tenure as speaker that ended with an unceremonious ousting at the hands of the far-right Freedom Caucus. McCarthy has said he intends to stay involved with GOP fundraising and recruitment efforts, but his removal from the top job was seen as a major blow to California Republicans — especially its vulnerable House members.

Fong is in the midst of a legal battle to keep his spot on the ballot after Secretary of State Shirley Weber said he could not run for both the congressional seat and his assembly seat at the same time.

He had initially filed for reelection after passing on a run for McCarthy’s seat, but changed his mind after state Sen. Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) — who was widely seen as a strong potential contender — surprised the Central Valley by declining to run.

By that point, the deadline to withdraw from the ballot as an Assembly candidate had passed. Fong filed for a congressional run anyway, which Weber said violated state law against appearing on the same ballot twice for different positions.

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WSJ editorial board calls on Republicans to reach a border deal

The Wall Street Journal editorial board urged Republicans in Congress on Sunday to reach a deal on border security rather than saving the issue as a campaign matter.

“As for House Republicans, they promised in 2022 to do something about the migrant surge, and here is their opening,” the editorial board wrote on Sunday. “It’s not as if they have much else to tout when they campaign for re-election. If they won’t accept this rare chance at incremental progress, voters can fairly conclude that Republicans want to exploit the border election after election without actually solving the problem.”

The editorial comes as Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford, Republicans’ top negotiator on a potential border deal, said Sunday that a deal on immigration and border policy could be reached this week as critical funding deadlines approach.

Meanwhile, House Republicans have demanded stricter border policies as right-leaning members threaten to shut down the government without action.

“Some House Republicans would rather have the issue in November than a policy victory now,” the editorial board writes. “Donald Trump may be rooting for that result so he can flog the border mess on the campaign trail.”

The WSJ editorial board points out that months ago, “Democrats wouldn’t even discuss changing incentives to the asylum system,” and “they’re waking up to the political harm” it’s doing to their own party. At the same time, some House Republicans are demanding that President Joe Biden and the Democratic Senate accept in full the GOP bill that calls for 900 miles of border wall to be built, the editorial board says.

“Navigating all of this is a test of leadership for Speaker [Mike] Johnson and the President,” the editorial board writes. “A deal is in the national interest, and their own political interest, and a failure would be a debacle on both counts.”

from Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

Monday 8 January 2024

Johnson strikes his first bipartisan deal — a $1.7T funding accord

Congressional leaders have clinched a deal on overall budget totals that could pave the way for a broader government funding compromise in the coming weeks — further enraging Speaker Mike Johnson’s right flank.

The bipartisan agreement sets defense funding at $886 billion for the current fiscal year, in line with the total President Joe Biden and former Speaker Kevin McCarthy negotiated as part of last summer’s debt ceiling package. In a big win for Democrats, the accord pegs non-defense funding at nearly $773 billion, a total that counts tens of billions of dollars agreed to alongside the debt limit package.

Lawmakers have just 12 days to negotiate and finalize bill text before cash for many federal agencies expires on Jan. 19, while funding for the rest of the government runs out on Feb. 2, including for the military and the biggest domestic programs. A shutdown remains possible, with a host of thorny policy issues still unresolved, as well as conservative demands to attach GOP border reforms to spending legislation.

Non-defense budgets would remain roughly flat, amounting to a less than 1 percent decrease compared to current funding. Military programs would see about a 3 percent increase.

In a letter to House lawmakers on Sunday, the speaker celebrated $16 billion in extra spending cuts he negotiated beyond the terms of the debt agreement, for a total of $30 billion less than Senate lawmakers sought in the funding bills they have drafted. The new funding accord is still far higher than fiscal conservatives have demanded, however, risking Johnson’s good standing among his House Republican conference and raising the specter of a government shutdown.

The speaker acknowledged in his letter that the funding levels “will not satisfy everyone, and they do not cut as much spending as many of us would like.” But he called the deal “the most favorable budget agreement Republicans have achieved in over a decade,” noting that the bipartisan accord will allow GOP lawmakers to put their mark on federal budgets, rather than running the government on the “Schumer-Pelosi” deal struck before Republicans claimed the House majority last year.

Lawmakers will have to work incredibly fast — federal cash for the departments of Agriculture, Transportation, Energy, Veterans Affairs and more expires on Jan. 19. Funding for the rest of the government, including the biggest domestic programs and the Pentagon, runs out on Feb. 2. A shutdown remains very possible, with a host of thorny policy issues for congressional leaders to work through in extremely limited time, including conservative demands to attach GOP border reforms to spending legislation and Republican ultimatums holding up Biden’s separate request for more than $100 billion to aid Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Johnson also forecast partisan clashes in the coming weeks on policy issues like funding for abortion, saying in his letter that the agreement gives GOP leaders “a path” to “fight for the important policy riders” included in the funding bills House Republicans have drafted.

White House budget director Shalanda Young said GOP leaders have been “working in good faith to prevent a shutdown.” But she predicted Johnson is likely to face revolt within his conference, complicating endgame negotiations and increasing the odds of a funding lapse.

“So while I think leadership understands this is a bad path, the question is: Can they hold back the floodgates?” Young told reporters during an event hosted by the Christian Science Monitor on Friday.

"History has shown us that leadership can work in good faith, and then they go into a raucous conference room after a trip to the border,” said the OMB director, who previously served as the House’s top appropriations aide. “And then the sentiment of … 'We'll shut the government down. We control the money,' wins out the day.”

The deal on a government funding framework, a critical first step quietly negotiated by Schumer and Johnson’s staffs, comes after House conservatives spent the better part of last year trying to undo the budget totals established by last summer’s bipartisan debt ceiling accord.

Conservatives have fought for months to deeply slash spending beyond the bipartisan funding levels Biden and McCarthy negotiated, even ousting McCarthy from the speakership in part for cutting that deal with Democrats. Their efforts, however, have so far fallen short.

Indeed, the arrival of a new speaker has yielded a funding agreement that many Democrats would argue is actually a far better outcome for domestic programs than the cuts that could be triggered by last summer’s bipartisan debt law.

If Congress doesn’t override those triggers, a short-term funding patch would spur defense funding cuts of about 1 percent at the beginning of May, while non-defense accounts would be slashed by an estimated 5 percent. A 9 percent cut to domestic programs would be exacted if Congress fully funds the government without negating that sequester.

The fiscal conservatives who have pushed House Republican leaders all year to negotiate funding cuts to the non-military side of the budget are insistent that their new speaker use the sequestration threat as leverage to force other spending concessions from Democrats.

from Politics, Policy, Political News Top Stories

Lebanon airport screens display anti-Hezbollah message after being hacked

BEIRUT — The information display screens at Beirut’s international airport were hacked by domestic anti-Hezbollah groups Sunday, as clashes between the Lebanese militant group and the Israeli military continue to intensify along the border.

Departure and arrival information was replaced by a message accusing the Hezbollah group of putting Lebanon at risk of an all-out war with Israel.

The screens displayed a message with logos from a hardline Christian group dubbed Soldiers of God, which has garnered attention over the past year for its campaigns against the LGBTQ+ community in Lebanon, and a little-known group that calls itself The One Who Spoke. In a video statement, the Christian group denied its involvement, while the other group shared photos of the screens on its social media channels.

“Hassan Nasrallah, you will no longer have supporters if you curse Lebanon with a war for which you will bear responsibility and consequences,” the message read, echoing similar sentiments to critics over the years who have accused Hezbollah of smuggling weapons and munitions through the tiny Mediterranean country’s only civilian airport.

Hezbollah has been striking Israeli military bases and positions near the country’s northern border with Lebanon since Oct. 8, the day after the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza began. Israel has been striking Hezbollah positions in return.

The near-daily clashes have intensified sharply over the past week, after an apparent Israeli strike in a southern Beirut suburb killed top Hamas official and commander Saleh Arouri.

In a speech on Saturday, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a speech vowed that the group would retaliate. He dismissed criticisms that the group is looking for a full-scale war with Israel, but said if Israel launches one, Hezbollah is ready for a war “without limits.”

Hezbollah announced an “initial response” to Arouri’s killing on Saturday, launching a volley of 62 rockets toward an Israeli air surveillance base on Mount Meron.

The Lebanese government and international community have been scrambling to prevent a war in Lebanon, which they fear would spark a regional spillover.

Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said the hack briefly disrupted baggage inspection. Passengers gathered around the screens, taking pictures and sharing them on social media.

Israel and Hezbollah fought a monthlong war in 2006 that ended in a draw. In the early stages of the war, Israel bombed Lebanon’s airport and put it out of commission.

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