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Friday 5 January 2024

Kirby: Russia used North Korean missiles in Ukraine

Russia recently used North Korean ballistic missiles in Ukraine and is seeking Iranian missiles, a top White House official said Thursday.

"Our information indicates that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea recently provided Russia with ballistic missile launchers and several ballistic missiles. On Dec. 30, 2023, Russian forces launched at least one of these North Korean missiles into Ukraine,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters, adding that Russia launched further missiles days later.

The first missile landed in an open field. The U.S. is still assessing the damage caused by the second launch, Kirby said during a White House briefing.

“We anticipate that Russia will use additional North Korean missiles to target Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure and to kill innocent Ukrainian civilians,” he continued.

The partnership between the two countries is a result of their shared isolation on the global stage, and shows how Russian President Vladimir Putin has been forced to seek new avenues to support his offensive in Ukraine.

Kirby also confirmed Tuesday that Russia is seeking Iranian missiles, which was previously reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The missiles would enhance the Kremlin’s ability to target Ukraine’s critical infrastructure and could be delivered to Russia as soon as the spring, but U.S. officials don’t believe the deal has been finalized.

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‘The grassroots have left DeSantis’: Trump crushes Florida governor in Miami-Dade GOP straw poll

MIAMI — Donald Trump trounced Ron DeSantis in the Florida governor’s home state. Again.

Miami-Dade County Republicans overwhelmingly chose Trump over DeSantis to be their presidential nominee in a straw poll the party’s executive committee held this week.

Of 65 party members who met in Miami Wednesday night, 53 votes went for Trump. Only five voted for DeSantis.

“[Trump] is charismatic and he knows how this game works in terms of loyalty and networking,” said Miami-Dade Commissioner Kevin Cabrera, who attended the meeting and voted for the former president.

Cabrera was a Florida state director for Trump and the Republican National Committee during the 2020 election. The straw poll, Cabrera said, “proves Miami-Dade County is Trump country.”

A video obtained by POLITICO of the meeting shows the crowd in the room erupting in applause then chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump,” after state Rep. Alex Rizo, a DeSantis supporter and chair of Miami-Dade Republicans, announced the election results. The members recorded their votes on paper ballots.

The results show a stunning defeat for DeSantis, who was the first Republican in 20 years to flip Miami-Dade County from Democrat to Republican during his 2022 gubernatorial reelection victory. Ever since DeSantis entered the presidential race, polling shows the broad support he’d seen among certain key constituencies in Florida — Hispanics, women and independents — has fallen.

“I do think he has lost support,” said one member who attended the meeting, who asked to remain anonymous so as not to inflame DeSantis given that he’ll still have three years left as governor if he drops out of the presidential race. “He and many of them have tried to move to the right of Trump. That's not possible. Trump reflects the right. He is the standard.”

Another member who attended the GOP meeting, granted anonymity to freely discuss the vote, said of the straw poll: “It’s confirmation of what everyone’s been reporting for a while: that the grassroots have left DeSantis.”

Trump has worked to prove dominance over DeSantis in Florida through endorsements from the Republican congressional delegation and flipping some state lawmakers from DeSantis to his side, though most members of the GOP-controlled Legislature endorsed DeSantis.

Under pressure from Trump backers, top officials in the Republican Party of Florida voted in September to remove a provision in its state bylaws that required any candidate seeking to be on the March 19 presidential primary ballot to pledge loyalty to the eventual GOP nominee.

The former president, who has been wooing Florida GOP members, hosted state Republicans at Mar-a-Lago in November, days after he held a counterprogramming rally in the Cuban-majority city of Hialeah, while his rivals for the GOP presidential nomination debated in Miami. As part of the rally, Trump set aside VIP seating for grassroots supporters.

More broadly, Trump has for months dominated the GOP field, with national and early state polling showing him ahead by wide margins and DeSantis’ numbers mostly declining.

The Miami straw poll was impromptu and had not been on the party’s agenda, said Florida Rep. Alina Garcia, who has endorsed Trump and attended Wednesday’s meeting. Former state lawmaker and U.S. Rep. David Rivera (R-Fla.) called the motion to hold the vote, Cabrera said.

The vote isn’t binding in that the group isn’t formally endorsing a candidate for president ahead of Florida’s primary, but Broward County Republicans are meeting Thursday night to survey their members about an endorsement, state committeeman Richard DeNapoli confirmed to POLITICO.

Other votes cast on Wednesday night included three for former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and one for entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy. Two people wrote down names of politicians not running for president: U.S. Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.) and Miami-Dade County Commissioner Rene Garcia. One piece of paper was left blank.

Asked about the straw poll results, Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung replied, “Ron DeSanctus is still in the race?” The DeSantis campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Garcia, the state representative, insisted DeSantis remained popular — but as governor. She said people in attendance at the Miami meeting thought Trump had the right experience to be president and that DeSantis could still run in 2028.

“Gov. DeSantis has been a very good governor,” she said. “But we want him for governor. Right now, we want President Trump for president, and it is what it is.”

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New Jersey considered $5 million to handle migrant influx but didn't follow through, records show

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration considered setting aside $5 million in federal Covid-19 aid for a “rapid response plan” for migrants coming into the state from the southern border last summer but the plan never came to fruition, according to records and his office.

That proposal, mentioned in a June application to use relief funds and obtained by POLITICO through a public records request, was in anticipation of “an influx” of migrants with the lifting of so-called Title 42 restrictions a month earlier. New Jersey is seeing migrants bused to the state en route to New York City, although it is unclear what level of state involvement there will be. The Democratic governor said Wednesday the arrivals by bus from Texas the past week is “a manageable situation” and stressed that most migrants were not staying in the state.

The records offer a glimpse how the Murphy administration could address migrants entering the state should the situation escalate. The Title 42 policy, which was started by the Trump administration and carried through the Biden administration until May 2023, allowed for asylum-seekers to be turned away at the southern border on public health grounds. That happened an estimated 2 million times while the policy was in place during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“As a result of the federal [public health emergency] ending, Title 42 has also been rescinded,” the application, signed by the state Department of Human Services' acting chief financial officer at the time, said. “Border arrivals are expected to increase and NJ is on the top list of states for migrant arrivals. This plan has been put in place in the event NJ receives an influx of migrant arrivals by bus or other means."

Murphy spokesperson Tyler Jones, referring to the $5 million requested by Human Services, said in a statement to POLITICO that “to date, no American Rescue Plan funds have been distributed for this purpose.”

Twenty-six buses carrying about 1,200 migrants from the southern border have been sent to train station stops in New Jersey the past week, Murphy said Thursday at an unrelated event, to sidestep New York City rules limiting when bused migrants can arrive there.

It has highlighted the gridlock in Washington on immigration reform while forcing Democrats to live up to their rhetoric embracing immigrants or risk appearing hypocritical to voters who will decide the presidency and control of the House in November. New York Mayor Eric Adams, for example, has said migrants are draining city resources and will “destroy” his city, and his public criticism of Biden has severely damaged the relationship between the Democratic president and mayor of the country’s largest city.

The major Democratic-led cities of New York and Chicago have been popular destinations for Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and even Democrat-run governments to send migrants over the last year. Local orders over the past month in those two cities have restricted arrival times for bused migrants, leading buses to drop them off in neighboring municipalities as a workaround.

Long before the publicized migrant drop-offs at train station stops in New Jersey, though, state officials planned for “an influx” of migrants.

The application from DHS proposed spending the $5 million to help coordinate “mass shelter activities including shelter, food, crisis counseling and as needed wrap-around social services for newly arrived individuals.”

“Funds will be utilized to support these activities in the event this plan is activated,” the application said.

The $5 million pales in comparison with what other Democratically controlled governments have spent on the migrant crisis. Chicago recently set aside $95 million in federal pandemic moneyto address migrants sent to the city. New York City is expected to spend a total of $12 billion on migrants over the course of three fiscal years and has said federal assistance has fallen short of demand.

The New Jersey application also mentions a “migrant task force” put together by the governor’s office, although the existence of such a task force has not been publicly acknowledged and the governor's office declined to comment on it.

That proposal came about two months before the Biden administration considered a South Jersey airport as a potential relocation spot for migrants from New York City, which Murphy — who once said New Jersey would be a “sanctuary state” under his watch — said was not feasible.

Murphy’s office declined to comment on whether such a proposal could come back or if it has resurfaced due to migrants passing through the state en route to New York City.

Murphy, when asked by a reporter Wednesday whether he had a plan to deal with more migrants coming into the state, said: “There is a plan in place, and that is that New York City has the federal resources in place.”

Adams’ office did not seem to agree. “While we are grateful for the help our federal partners have provided thus far, simply put, it’s not enough,” Adams spokesperson Kayla Mamelak said in a statement to POLITICO. “We need meaningful financial help, expedited work pathways, and a national resettlement strategy.”

Murphy has been diplomatic with his public comments about immigration, saying it’s shameful Congress has not addressed much-needed reform while also decrying the actions of Abbott.

"The last thing we need is governors like Greg Abbott doing political stunts,” he said. “This is not a time for stunts, this is a time to figure out a solution that's broad and comprehensive.”

A spokesperson for Abbott, in a statement to POLITICO, said Murphy should redirect his frustration towards Biden.

“Instead of complaining about migrants passing through New Jersey on the way to their final destination in New York City, Governor Murphy should call on his party leader to finally do his job and secure the border — something he continues refusing to do,” Abbott spokesperson Andrew Mahaleris said in a statement. “Until President Biden steps up and does his job to secure the border, Texas will continue transporting migrants to sanctuary cities to help our local partners respond to this Biden-made crisis.”

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Thursday 4 January 2024

RFK Jr. criticizes decisions to remove Trump from the ballot

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sided with Donald Trump on Wednesday in the former president's battle to remain on the ballot.

“Donald Trump has not been convicted of an insurrection. Maybe he did it but, you know, he hasn’t been charged with it,” said Kennedy, who is also an attorney. "I don't think it's fair."

Kennedy also said that if Trump remains off the ballot it will make his supporters “angry and frustrated and justifiably so” with the democratic process, at a press conference in Utah touting his place on the state's ballot in November.

Kennedy also has his own challenges gaining ballot access, which is often an expensive and legally complicated process for third-party candidates. The president of the super PAC supporting Kennedy has also drawn comparisons between legal challenges to Trump staying on ballots and Kennedy.

“We don’t need to be protected from a candidate by this sort of anti-democratic set of forces that is gaining traction in this country,” said Tony Lyons, president of American Values 2024, on The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast after the Maine decision. “Whether it’s Bobby Kennedy or Donald Trump or Joe Biden, it’s a direction that’s obviously bad for democracy.”

Kennedy said he aims to be on the ballot in all 50 states and Washington, D.C., which means navigating 51 different legal procedures, all with different deadlines and requirements. Utah's deadline was the earliest, so it was the first target for the campaign.

The campaign is also actively gathering signatures in the swing state of Arizona, where campaign press secretary Stefanie Spear said the state’s electors have been certified, as well as Missouri, Maryland and Nevada.

Kennedy has also hired a team of lawyers, including campaign counsel Paul Rossi, who successfully sued the state of Utah to extend its signature gathering deadline from Jan. 6 to March 5.

American Values 2024 has also committed up to $15 million to help Kennedy gain access in seven states, including the swing state of Georgia.

An independent candidate pulling even single-digit support can disrupt typical election strategies, but Kennedy also floated the idea that he could win the presidency with minority support at the Utah press conference on Wednesday.

“You could technically win the election with 34 percentage points because it’s winner take all,” Kennedy said. “So all we have to do is take 4.5 percentage points from each President Trump and President Biden to win the national election, and I have 11 months to do that.”

Kennedy’s polling average is currently about 13 percent, according to RealClearPolitics.

"I’m very, very confident that that’s going to happen,” he said.

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US and allies warn Houthis of ‘consequences’ as Red Sea crisis intensifies

Statement calls for 'collective action' amid spate of attacks in crucial trade route.

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Wednesday 3 January 2024

Michael Cohen can’t hold Trump liable for retaliatory imprisonment, appeals court says

NEW YORK — Michael Cohen can’t hold his former boss, former President Donald Trump, liable because he was jailed for what he claimed was retaliation for writing a tell-all memoir, an appeals court said Tuesday.

The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan said in an order that it would not revive a lawsuit that a lower-court judge had tossed out because the law did not seem to provide a damages remedy for most claims that someone was jailed in retaliation for their criticisms of a president.

A three-judge panel concluded Cohen already obtained relief by getting a judge to order his release from imprisonment to home confinement several weeks after he was abruptly put behind bars when the government claimed he violated severe restrictions on his public communications. It said the law did not provide an outlet for more relief than that.

Cohen served over a year of a three-year sentence in federal prison after pleading guilty in 2018 to tax evasion, campaign finance charges and lying to Congress, saying Trump directed him to arrange the payment of hush money to a porn actor to fend off damage to his 2016 presidential bid.

Freed early to home confinement as authorities worked to contain the coronavirus outbreak in federal prisons, Cohen was returned to prison weeks later when authorities claimed he failed to accept certain terms of his release.

At the time, Cohen said he had merely sought clarification on a condition forbidding him from speaking with the media and publishing his book.

After serving 16 days in solitary confinement that Cohen said left him with shortness of breath, severe headaches and anxiety, he was eventually freed on the orders of a judge who said he’d been jailed in retaliation for his desire to publish a book critical of the president and to discuss it on social media.

Cohen sued Trump and then-Attorney General William Barr, along with various prison and probation officials.

In a statement Tuesday, Cohen said he’ll appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.

“The outcome is wrong if democracy is to prevail. A writ of habeas corpus cannot be the only consequence to stop a rogue president from weaponizing the Department of Justice from locking up his/her critics in prison because they refuse to waive their First Amendment right,” he said.

Trump’s lawyer, Alina Habba, said in a statement: “We are very pleased with today’s ruling. Mr. Cohen’s lawsuit was doomed from its inception. We will continue to fight against any frivolous suits aimed at our client.”

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Republicans claim victory for Harvard president's resignation

Republican lawmakers welcomed Harvard University president Claudine Gay’s resignation after weeks of calling for her to step down over her response to anti-semitism on campus — and her testimony on the topic at a fiery House hearing in December.

Gay’s resignation letter was published to the Harvard University website on Tuesday afternoon.

“TWO DOWN. @Harvard knows that this long overdue forced resignation of the antisemitic plagiarist president is just the beginning of what will be the greatest scandal of any college or university in history,” said GOP conference chair Rep. Elise Stefanik on X, formerly Twitter.

Gay is the second college president to step down since the Dec. 5 hearing of the House Education and Workforce Committee investigating schools' responses to antisemitism following the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks. University of Pennsylvania president Liz Magill stepped down four days after the hearing.

Stefanik’s grilling of Gay during her appearance before the committee intensified public scrutiny of the now former university president, who also faces accusations of plagiarism.

In response to questions by Stefanik, Gay said that calling for genocide of Jews may or may not violate university rules on bullying and harassment “depending on the context.” Though Gay later apologized, these comments sparked sharp criticism from Congress, the Harvard community and the public, and fueled calls for her resignation.

Other Republicans echoed Stefanik’s reaction: “This is the right move. Our university leaders have gone full-on woke and harbor anti-Semitism on campuses. Many should step down,” wrote Arizona Rep. Andy Biggs.

“She was a total disgrace to her profession,” said South Carolina Rep. Ralph Norman.

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