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Wednesday 15 November 2023

A rambling explanation and tearful rant from Paul Pelosi attacker

SAN FRANCISCO — The man who broke into former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s home and struck her 83-year-old husband with a hammer provided jurors Tuesday with a bizarre and rambling explanation for an act of political violence that could land him in prison for decades.

David DePape said he planned to wear a unicorn costume he brought to the home that night and use the hammer to interrogate her about what he believed were government-backed plots against former President Donald Trump and other matters.

“I wanted to use her to expose the truth,” said DePape, who at times appeared so emotional that he couldn’t speak. "If she lied, I would break her kneecaps."

He repeatedly broke down sobbing during his testimony, which offered a window into a surprising defense strategy in a case that is expected to go to the jury in federal court in San Francisco by as early as Wednesday.

DePape, a Canadian citizen who faces up to life in prison if convicted, has pleaded not guilty. His lawyers have argued that he didn’t intend to interfere with Rep. Pelosi’s official duties, an element of the federal charges. The congressperson wasn’t home at the time of the attack.

The defendant said assaulting Paul Pelosi was never his plan.

“When he was on the ground breathing, I was, like, really scared for his life," DePape said. "I felt bad for him because we kind of had, like, a really good rapport."

DePape said he planned to abduct Nancy Pelosi and use her to lure his other targets, including President Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The defendant said he targeted Pelosi first because she was a leader of the Democratic Party and he thought her home would be easier to break into than several others on his list, including that of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and a gender studies professor.

“I reacted because my plan was basically ruined,” DePape said.

Prosecutors questioned DePape about a jailhouse interview he gave to a local TV station in which he apologized to the public for not reaching other people on his list — but no remorse for the attack.

Paul Pelosi’ skull was fractured and he has lingering injuries from being struck with the hammer by DePape as police arrived in response to a 911-call from the congresswoman’s husband.

DePape faces a separate trial on state charges for the attack.

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Estonian PM Kaja Kallas open to being next NATO chief

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said on Tuesday she’s interested in taking over the top job at NATO, as the Cold War-era alliance continues to navigate Russia’s war in Ukraine and homes in on common strategies against China and other emerging threats.

Speaking at the POLITICO Defense Summit, Kallas was pressed on whether she’d like to be considered for the role once NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg steps down. She responded “yes.”

Kallas’ response and her visit to Washington comes as worries grow in Europe, especially among the leaders of Baltic and Eastern European countries such as Estonia, that U.S. support for Ukraine’s war effort is increasingly wavering.

It also comes as NATO’s role is evolving as a key force in support of Ukraine as it continues to repel Russia’s February 2022 invasion, and as the alliance seeks to project strength and unity in the face of emerging threats such as China, artificial intelligence and other challenges.

Kallas was bullish that Ukraine will ultimately prevail in its efforts to repel Russia’s invasion, as concerns grow on both sides of the Atlantic that Ukraine and Russia are approaching a standstill on the battlefield.

“I totally understand and believe that it is beatable,” Kallas said, in reference to the Russian military. “And Ukraine can win this war.”

Kallas rejected the notion that the conflict is at a stalemate, saying it serves Russian interests to paint conditions on the battlefield in that light.

“That works to their benefit,” Kallas said. “Let's not fall into that trap.”

Kallas, who met with Biden administration officials and lawmakers on Capitol Hill, underscored the need for American support to achieve lasting peace in the region.

“What we want to have is sustainable peace. And of course, you know, American support for that is fundamental,” Kallas said.

She also added that she was pleasantly surprised to find that “skeptical” American politicians were more on board than she had expected.

“I actually had a very, very good meeting with all of those people and I was asking the ambassadors like, “when are we meeting the skeptical ones?’ ” Kallas quipped.

“They had a lot of questions and I tried to answer them as well. But it seems to me that we are still, you know, getting through with our ideas and it doesn't seem to me that we are very far away from each other,” Kallas continued.

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Reed: Congress needs to avoid a shutdown, then focus on Ukraine, Israel

Congress must first focus on avoiding a government shutdown before it can consider sending more assistance to Israel and Ukraine, Sen. Jack Reed said on Tuesday.

“The first priority is to get the CR,” Reed (D-R.I.) said during the POLITICO Defense Summit, using an abbreviation for the continuing resolution, which keeps the government operating under the previous year’s levels. “The second priority is to get funding for Israel and Ukraine … we have to do both.”

The chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee stated his support for keeping the government open just as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he and the White House are on board with the House's CR. Speaker Mike Johnson has pushed a plan to avert a shutdown that has two deadlines after the first of the year. The measure does not include funding for Ukraine or Israel, however.

Keeping the government open is “not a question of preference, it's a question of necessity,” Reed said.

He further expressed support for a supplemental that ties aid to Israel and Ukraine together, which President Joe Biden requested in a $106 billion package in October.

It’s widely expected that Johnson will not move a Ukraine funding package, despite saying publicly since he took the gavel that he would “bifurcate” Israel and Ukraine aid.

As Israel’s fight against the Hamas militant group continued with no end in sight, the chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee emphasized the need for Israel to have a “very precise use of weapons” to minimize civilian harm — warning of the repercussions if the civilian death toll continues to skyrocket in Gaza.

“Ultimately, they're going to have to separate Hamas from the Palestinian people. If they do not do that, Hamas will transform into something else,” Reed said.

He said he has seen "modest steps" on Israel's part to minimize civilian casualties, but that the U.S. is continuously reminding the country to conduct itself "according to the rules of war."

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Tuesday 14 November 2023

Maryanne Trump Barry, the former president’s older sister and a retired federal judge, dies at 86

NEW YORK — Maryanne Trump Barry, a retired federal judge and former president Donald Trump‘s oldest sister, has died at age 86 at her home in New York.

Until her retirement in 2019, Barry was a senior judge on the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, a level below the Supreme Court.

The NYPD confirmed that officers were sent to Barry’s Manhattan home just before 4:30 a.m. and discovered a deceased 86-year-old woman. The cause of death was not immediately clear. Her death was confirmed by a judicial official who spoke on condition of anonymity because Barry’s death hadn’t been announced publicly by either the court or Trump’s family.

Trump’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Before becoming a judge, Barry became an Assistant U.S. Attorney in 1974 and was nominated to the federal court in New Jersey by former President Ronald Reagan. She was later elevated to the U.S. Court of Appeals by former President Bill Clinton. She retired in 2019 amid an investigation into her family’s tax practices.

Barry had stayed largely out of the spotlight during her brother’s presidency, but drew headlines after her niece, Mary Trump, revealed that she had secretly recorded her aunt while promoting a book that denounced the former president. In the recordings, Barry could be heard sharply criticizing her brother, at one point saying the former president “has no principles” and is “cruel.”

The former president’s younger brother, Robert Trump, died in 2020 at 71, and Trump held a service at the White House in his honor. His older brother, Fred Trump Jr., died of a heart attack at 42.

Donald Trump’s ex-wife, Ivana Trump, died in 2022 at the age of 73.

The news of Barry’s death was first reported by the Daily Voice in Nassau County.

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Embattled Supreme Court adopts code of conduct

The Supreme Court has adopted a formal ethics code for the first time in its history, bowing to public and congressional critics who demanded such a policy in the wake of reports about unreported luxury travel by justices and influence campaigns aimed at the court.

All nine of the court’s current justices endorsed the code, which generally tracks existing rules for lower court judges but includes some special provisions addressing the Supreme Court’s “unique institutional setting.”

The court said the code “for the most part” reflects longstanding practice, but was meant to “gather in one place the ethics rules and principles that guide the conduct” of the justices.

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Why the defense industry isn’t buying into the ‘Buy American’ craze

President Joe Biden and an influential bloc of lawmakers from both parties want more U.S. military hardware to be made in America.

But the defense industry — the beneficiary of the movement — says now is the wrong time. Supply chain problems, towering global demands for weapons and the need to work with allies to get it all done means that the America First movement should wait.

The “Buy American” campaign, fueled by the promise of a domestic manufacturing boom and well-paying jobs right here at home, is gaining steam in Congress. Both versions of the can’t-fail National Defense Authorization Act contain provisions that require a certain percentage of American weapons be made domestically.

Yet the politics is crashing into the reality facing the defense industry. Already wobbling from the demands of arming Taiwan and Ukraine, American weapons makers have the added task of producing for Israel — while also rearming the U.S. after its shelves were raided to help other countries.

The unprecedented race to build weapons has blown a hole in the system, forcing the Pentagon to seek more help from Europe and elsewhere to fill orders for desperate customers in Taipei, Kyiv and Jerusalem.

“We don’t believe it’s the right time,” said Keith Webster, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Defense and Aerospace Council, when asked about the Buy American provisions.

“We believe our industries understand the importance of onshoring and securing supply chains, and they need some flexibility to achieve the significant ramp up being asked of them to resupply Ukraine, resupply European partners, resupply Israel and resupply ourselves.”

The Aerospace Industries Association, which represents 340 U.S. firms, released a carefully worded statement when asked for its reaction to the Buy American push. Yet the message was clear: Go easy on us.

“Investing in American manufacturing pays dividends across our economy, but Congress must also support strategic policies that recognize the value of a global supply chain that sources domestically and internationally,” AIA’s Vice President for International Affairs Dak Hardwick said.

“Aggressive domestic sourcing requirements like Buy America hinder our relationships with partners and allies, impact our ability to improve supply chain resiliency with global partners, and contribute growing inflation, and we hope Congress considers this as they finalize year-end legislation.”

Critics argue the requirements will decrease competition, raise weapon system costs, lower access to innovative technologies and potentially cut out suppliers faster than the U.S. defense industrial base can fill in the gaps.

“Fundamentally the chamber is supportive of American industry, of course, but what we're worried about is arbitrary requirements and not working with industry leaders to do what's right for the industrial base as well as for America,” Webster said.

And while at first blush the U.S. defense manufacturers appear to benefit, the industry worries it might spur foreign governments to reciprocate — a backlash that would hurt business abroad and cost American jobs.

The Pentagon’s top acquisition official, William LaPlante, acknowledged to a defense industry conference in Washington this month that the suck of ammunition and weapons for Ukraine has changed how the Pentagon is thinking about the future and showed how important it is to work with other countries.

“Very few people anticipated the prolonged, high-volume conflict,” he said, adding that he just returned from Brussels where he met with allies about doing more joint production of weapons systems.

“We are relearning just how resource-intensive this type of warfare can be,” he said, “so we need a paradigm shift to meet the needs of today and future fight.”

The Buy American push has also been a central economic message for Biden, and in recent months it has overlapped with proponents on Capitol Hill, who see it as a way to keep defense manufacturing contracts at home.

Biden has touted his administration’s record on reviving the domestic manufacturing sector, creating jobs and bringing industries back to U.S. shores — even invoking the economic benefits to sell his latest Ukraine aid proposal to skeptical Republicans.

His message to them: Support funding for Ukraine translates to jobs in the U.S.

But that pitch aligns with something that’s already happening. On Capitol Hill, lawmakers are looking to change actual policy and are grappling with the issue in talks on a compromise defense policy bill.

The House and Senate both approved bills with provisions that aim to strengthen existing requirements for major defense products to be substantially made in the U.S., albeit with differing approaches, and well beyond Ukraine.

While Buy American proposals have come and gone over the decades, there’s new momentum now in both parties. Supply shortages during the COVID-19 pandemic prompted a push to regain some of the manufacturing America ceded to China and elsewhere, and even Republican stances on free markets have shifted in favor of reshoring.

Biden, days after his inauguration in 2021, signed an executive order that said 60 percent of products bought with taxpayer dollars must be made domestically, ramping up to a final target of 75 percent in 2029.

Rep. Donald Norcross (D-N.J.) this summer successfully added a proposal to the House version of the NDAA that would codify in law Biden’s domestic content requirements, specifically for major defense programs.

Norcross has tried this in previous years, but was more successful this time; he added an explicit exemption for the countries that have a reciprocal defense procurement memorandum of understanding with the U.S.

In an interview, he said making such a carveout for allies is necessary given the demands on the base.

“With Israel and Ukraine, we’re seeing we need to build up our defense supply base overnight,” Norcross said. “But let’s be realistic here and have conversations with our allies and partners to make sure when we do build up our industrial base, we are working with those [allies] who work with us all the time. That’s a critical difference from our original concept.”

Despite the bill’s sizable exception for certain allies, it managed to retain the endorsement of the AFL-CIO, America’s largest federation of unions; the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, and the Union Veterans Council.

IAM International President Robert Martinez said last month in a letter to lead lawmakers on the armed services committees that enacting the measure would, “create and support hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs in the U.S., ensure that our men and women in uniform have consistent access to the tools they need to safely complete their mission, and bolster our industrial base and domestic supply chain.”

The Senate’s version of the NDAA goes a step further, yet is narrowly focused. It includes an amendment from Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) that would require that by 2033, any new Navy ship purchased uses 100 percent domestically produced materials, such as propulsion systems, shipboard components, couplings, shafts and support bearings.

Baldwin, with Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.), sponsored an NDAA amendment similar to the Norcross legislation, but it was not included in the bill.

Baldwin has argued the legislation that was included — backed by the American Shipbuilding Suppliers Association and local companies Appleton Marine and Fairbanks Morse — ensures taxpayer dollars are supporting American jobs, growing the U.S. economy and keeping the domestic defense industrial base strong.

Baldwin said the right answer to threats the U.S. is facing is to rebuild domestic defense industrial capacity, and that her legislation includes sufficient waivers for allies — which the Navy secretary can invoke.

“Investing in our domestic manufacturing base and the businesses and workers that power it will help keep our country safe and better protect us against future supply chain disruptions,” Baldwin said in a statement.

Top U.S. allies Britain and Canada came out against the Baldwin provision, saying in separate letters to lawmakers last month that it would hurt cooperation. The provision is also opposed by an association of 25 foreign military attachés whose countries have special reciprocal trade agreements with the Pentagon — which is primed to realize the cooperation DOD is after.

“[W]e oppose protectionist language in the Senate NDAA around U.S. domestic content thresholds for shipbuilding,” Karen Pierce, Britain’s ambassador to the U.S., wrote in her letter. “This language increases barriers for the U.K. at a time when our shared cooperation, particularly in the maritime domain, is of great strategic importance.”

Fears among U.S. defense firms of an allied blowback are valid, according to Defense MoU Attachés Group Chair Sander Oude Hengel, who said Buy American policies do reverberate abroad.

“If you strengthen Buy American in the U.S., it has the strong potential to strengthen protectionist politics in Europe and in Asia, so if you go ‘Buy American,’ we’ll go ‘Buy Europe,’ and there's potential to go ‘Buy Asia,’” Oude Hengel said.

It also runs counter to the Pentagon policies, formed with an eye on Russia and China, that embrace co-production, co-development and co-sustainment at a global level, he said.

“There’s not enough of a labor force in the U.S., there’s not enough production capacity and [the Pentagon] has been advocating to do co-production and co-sustainment abroad,” Oude Hengel said. “If DOD is advocating that, it shows America is unable to produce solely domestically, from a capacity perspective.”

Oude Hengel has said that if the NDAA has to have “Buy American” language, he favors the Norcross provision. Not all 25 nations in his group have taken that position.

They’re not alone in opposing both the House and Senate proposals. The Chamber of Commerce’s Webster knocked the administration’s domestic content requirements as arbitrary.

“When you’re talking about 75 percent domestic content or greater … that is just not possible,” Webster said. “It is a global industry. Yes, we shouldn’t have China in it, and yes we shouldn’t have adversaries in it, and yes, we should onshore as much as is reasonable, but let industry work with the administration to determine what is realistic.”

Bill Greenwalt, a former Pentagon industrial policy official and opponent of Buy American content requirements, argued that the loopholes in the Baldwin and Norcross measures are not enough. Baldwin’s proposal includes waivers for fellow members of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance — which includes the U.K., Australia and New Zealand.

“The process and criteria for getting such waivers through the [White House] Made in America office look daunting,” Greenwalt said, adding that the “best maritime technology is not in the Five Eyes but in Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Japan, Korea.”

Plus, DOD procurement officials could implement the exemptions Norcross proposed “haphazardly,” Greenwalt said. “By the time a country can explain to DOD procurement officials that they are from an exempted country, the deadlines for responding to an [opportunity to bid on a project] may have passed.”

But the letter from the British ambassador that bashed the Baldwin proposal was markedly kinder to the Norcross proposal, saying “we were pleased to see” the exemptions for allies and partners.

“We believe that this firm exemption for key allies is critical to further strengthening our shared defense industrial base,” she wrote.

Representatives from the House and the Senate plan to meet soon to work out a compromise between the two versions of the NDAA, and have set an ambitious goal of having it all done by Thanksgiving.

As they negotiate the Buy American provision, the members must strike a balance between needs at home and abroad.

“Yes, we want to increase what we do here in the U.S., but it's also in our interest to help with the capacity of our close allies so that we become less dependent upon China and Russia,” House Armed Services Chair Adam Smith (D-Wash.) explained of the negotiations. “That's the sweet spot we're trying to find.”

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Monday 13 November 2023

5 killed as U.S. military aircraft crashes into Mediterranean

BERLIN — Five U.S. servicepeople were killed when a military aircraft crashed over the eastern Mediterranean Sea during a training mission, U.S. European Command said Sunday.

The aircraft crashed on Friday evening. EUCOM said all five crew members were killed when it went down “during a routine air refueling mission as part of military training.”

The military initially first announced the crash on Saturday and said that the cause is under investigation, but there are no indications of any hostile activity involved. It said on Sunday that “search and rescue efforts began immediately, including nearby U.S. military aircraft and ships.”

European Command said that out of respect for the families of the service members and in line with Department of Defense policy, the identities of the crew members are being withheld until 24 hours after next of kin notifications are completed.

It wasn’t immediately clear what military service the aircraft belonged to. The Air Force has sent additional squadrons to the region and the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, which has an array of aircraft on board, has also been operating in the eastern Mediterranean.

President Joe Biden issued the following statement Sunday: "Today, Jill and I mourn the loss of 5 American service members who died when their aircraft crashed in the Mediterranean Sea during a routine training mission. Our service members put their lives on the line for our country every day. They willingly take risks to keep the American people safe and secure. And their daily bravery and selflessness is an enduring testament to what is best in our nation. Jill and I are praying for the families and friends who have lost a precious loved one — a piece of their soul. Our entire nation shares their grief."

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