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Tuesday 30 May 2023

Minnesota wanted to curb health spending. Mayo Clinic had other ideas.

Mayo Clinic issued an ultimatum to Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz and Democratic lawmakers earlier this month: Kill a proposed health affordability bill, or say goodbye to $4 billion in new hospital investments.

Minnesota lawmakers responded quickly — by watering down an ambitious proposal in the final days of the legislative session, which ended last week.

The threat from the world-renowned health system is the latest salvo against attempts to rein in rapidly growing health spending — and demonstrates how those efforts sometimes founder against industry heavyweights.

“We don’t want to hurt our hospitals. We want them to thrive — especially Mayo Clinic, with their reputation of being an international health care provider. But we also care about working families and their ability to get health care,” said former Minnesota state Rep. Jennifer Schultz, a Democrat who introduced the bill last year.

Following Mayo’s threat, Minnesota lawmakers scaled back their proposal to establish a health care affordability board that would have had the power to fine hospitals, doctors and insurers for out-of-control cost growth.

Hospitals have similarly, if more quietly, pushed back on proposals in other states. In Connecticut and Oregon, they have opposed giving the state more power to limit the growth in health care costs. And in Massachusetts, hospitals are pushing the state to “reimagine” their spending targets, including accounting for unpredictable hospital costs like travel nurses and rapid inflation.

“People are so afraid to touch this because [hospitals] are the economic engines,” said Massachusetts state Sen. Cindy Friedman, a Democrat who chairs the legislature’s Joint Committee on Health Care Financing. “It’s a business, and people are making huge amounts of money. … That’s what you’re up against.”

Nationally, health care spending has tripled since 2000 — totaling $4.3 trillion in 2021 — and the U.S. spends nearly twice as much on health per person as comparable countries, according to the Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker. Nearly a third of that spending is on hospitals, 20 percent on physicians and clinics, and 9 percent on prescription drugs.

Reducing health care costs remains a top concern for voters, coming in just behind the economy in a Pew Research Center poll earlier this year.

“When we talk about health care costs and health care costs being out of control in the United States, the flip side of that is one person’s cost is another person’s income,” said Cynthia Cox, vice president at KFF and director for the program on the Affordable Care Act. “And so this is a tough political battle for state policymakers, for that reason.”

And as Minnesota lawmakers learned this session, grappling with politically powerful hospital systems — which are often among the largest private employers in the state — is often a one-sided fight.

The proposal Minnesota lawmakers passed last week was a shadow of the original. Instead of a board empowered to levy fines, the bill requires state health officials to review health care cost growth but gives them no authority to set targets. Lawmakers also gutted a separate nurse staffing proposal in the final hours of the legislative session over Mayo’s and other hospitals’ concerns.

Mayo Clinic, in a statement, thanked lawmakers and the governor for working with them.

While the health system’s threats are the most overt attempts to kill efforts to control health spending, the Mayo Clinic is not alone in pushing back against state efforts to bring down costs.

Take Massachusetts, which pioneered a health care cost growth benchmark program in 2012. The heralded program sought to tie health spending to the state’s economy and fine providers who failed to limit cost growth.

While lawmakers say the Bay State has made strides over the past decade — such as driving increases in health care spending to below the national average — cost growth has still exceeded the state’s target in five of the nine years it has reported data.

In recommendations to the state legislature, the Massachusetts Health Policy Commission, which oversees the program, has only once sought corrective action from a payer or provider for excessive cost growth. It is asking the legislature to give it more authority to do so and to impose greater fines.

“This is all about greed and money,” Friedman said. “I have no problem with people making a profit. I really don’t. But there’s profit, and then there’s obscenity.”

The Massachusetts Health and Hospital Association, in a statement, said it remains “strongly committed to cost benchmarking” and the Health Policy Commission’s mission. But the organization has expressed concerns that the benchmark has not kept up with inflation and does not take into account unpredictable expenses hospitals are facing today, like the costs of traveling nurses, cybersecurity measures and infrastructure improvements.

State programs in other parts of the country, such as Connecticut and Rhode Island, rely on health systems and insurers to voluntarily control costs. Health officials in those states argue that the lack of enforcement power doesn’t mean the programs aren’t working. They say there is value in the reporting and analysis that comes with these programs.

In Rhode Island, for instance, officials tout their program as a partnership between government and industry. The state’s Cost Trends Project Steering Committee, which developed the state’s cost growth target, is co-chaired by the state health insurance commissioner and one representative each from the insurers and providers.

Health officials in Oregon said their payers and providers have been on board with their program, even though it includes financial penalties for noncompliance. Sarah Bartelmann, cost growth target and health care market oversight program manager for the Oregon Health Authority, said the industry saw the policy as the “lesser of two evils” — the other proposal on the table at the time was hospital price controls.

But industry concern has grown as the state ramps up implementation, she said.

“There’s been some pressure there and some interest in making sure that there are outs or off ramps before anyone is penalized,” Bartelmann said. “I’d say as the program gets more and more real, there’s been more and more concern.”

Still, a bill advancing through the Oregon legislature this year that is supported by the state hospital association proposes carving out frontline workforce costs from the state’s benchmark, blocking the state from holding payers or providers accountable for growth in those areas.

California, meanwhile, is setting up what could be the strongest benchmark program in the nation. If payers and providers fail to meet the cost growth target, which has yet to be set, they will be required to testify at public meetings and work with the state to come into compliance. If they fail to do so, the state, like Massachusetts, can impose corrective action plans and, unlike Massachusetts, escalate financial penalties.

“It is not the first tool in the toolbox. It’s the last one. But it is an important one to make sure that we’re having effective, earnest conversations on how to address spending growth that, speaking on behalf of nearly 40 million Californians, we think is unacceptably high,” said California Health and Human Services Secretary Mark Ghaly. “Hopefully we never have to use it.”

Conservative think tanks argue that benchmarking programs create perverse incentives for payers and providers to cut costs, regardless of financial penalties. They also say that companies’ desire to avoid being dragged before a public review board to explain their finances could result in cost-cutting that might harm patient care.

“No one wants to be called out and shamed for being the high-cost provider. No one’s going to want to have their books opened up by this board,” said Peter Nelson, a Minnesota-based senior policy fellow at the Center of the American Experiment and a senior advisor at CMS under the Trump administration. “The naming and shaming issue is a real issue that will drive behavior, and the concern is that this behavior is not going to be focused on what’s best for the patient.”

Proponents of containing cost growth, including lawmakers in Minnesota, say that while they may not have gotten everything they wanted, especially regarding enforcement powers, more authority may come with time.

“I don’t intend to have this be the last legislation on accountability that comes forward,” said Minnesota state Rep. Liz Reyer, a Democrat who sponsored the health care affordability board bill. “I’m very convinced actually that as a result of research that is done by this legislation, we will have a much stronger case to say, ‘And now we shall move forward, because we can see the need.’ If it gives me more substance to use to advocate, that’s what I’ll be doing. I’m not letting this go.”

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9 injured in shooting near beach in Florida

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. — Nine people were injured Monday evening when gunfire erupted along a beach boardwalk in Hollywood, Florida, sending people frantically running for cover along the crowded beach on Memorial Day.

Several of the victims were taken to a children’s hospital, police spokesperson Deanna Bettineschi said. However, authorities have not yet released the ages of the victims or provided details about their conditions.

A preliminary investigation shows that an altercation between two groups resulted in gunfire, police said. One person has been detained and another suspect is being still being sought.

The shooting happened about 6:30 p.m. on the broadwalk near a convenience store, a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream store and a Subway sandwich shop.

Alvie Carlton Scott III said he was on the beach when all of a sudden he hear numerous gun shots go off. He said he hid behind a tree and then fled the area after a police officer told people to run.

Jamie Ward, who was also on the broadwalk, said several young men were fighting in front of the stores when one pulled a gun and started shooting.

Videos posted on Twitter on Monday evening showed emergency medical crews responding and providing aid to multiple injured people.

Police said there would be a heavy presence of officers as the investigation continues. Officials were also setting up an area for family members to reunite.

“Thank you to the Good Samaritans, paramedics, police and emergency room doctors and nurses for their immediate response to aid the victims of today’s shooting,” Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy said in a statement.

Hollywood Beach is a popular beach destination about 11 miles south of Fort Lauderdale and 20 miles north of Miami. The beach was expected to see more visitors than usual with the Memorial Day holiday.

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Silence speaks volumes as Switzerland still reels from bank meltdown

The Alpine nation is trying to process exactly what went wrong with Credit Suisse — and what to do about the bankers who took it over the edge.

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McCarthy rallies support for debt deal amid hints of mutiny

Speaker Kevin McCarthy hunkered down in a mostly desolate Capitol building on Monday to build support for his debt limit compromise, dogged by claims of promises he made to become speaker.

For days, the California Republican has said he could “get to yes” on House passage of a cross-party agreement to prevent the nation from defaulting on its $31.4 trillion in debt. Already, the task is appearing stickier than simply rounding up enough floor votes to pass the deal he struck over the weekend with President Joe Biden.

With a passage vote set for Wednesday, a few Republicans have suggested using the Rules Committee to block the 99-page package from making it to the floor. And Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) further hinted at that strategy Monday afternoon.

The Texas Republican said on Twitter that an “explicit” agreement was made during private negotiations in January to elect McCarthy to the speakership: No bill could get to the floor without “unanimous” Republican support on the Rules Committee, on which Roy serves.

Any holdups like a delay in teeing up House floor debate would cost leaders precious time in clearing the bill through both chambers before the expected deadline for maxing out the nation’s borrowing authority. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s latest forecast pegs that X-date as June 5, now just a week away.

Republicans working to rally support for the bill are already casting doubt on Roy’s claim of a secret promise.

“If those conversations took place, the rest of the conference was unaware of them. And frankly, I doubt that,” Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) told reporters at the Capitol on Monday.

“I'm a rules guy. When somebody tells me something has to happen a certain way, the first thing I do is get out the rule book,” Johnson said. “And when I checked, there wasn't a rule that something has to come out of the Rules Committee unanimously.”

While McCarthy spent Memorial Day working to build consensus from his Capitol suite, Biden administration leaders tried at the same time to rally support for the deal among Democrats. In a series of virtual meetings Monday afternoon, top White House officials briefed lawmakers on pieces of the package that have drawn the most ire among their own, including changes to energy policy, spending limits and increased work requirements for antipoverty programs.

White House budget director Shalanda Young has been reminding lawmakers that the ultimate goal in negotiations was to avoid a debt default and that striking a bipartisan compromise makes it easier to fund the government for the fiscal year that kicks off in October.

Besides waiving the debt limit beyond the 2024 presidential election, the legislation would essentially freeze non-defense funding for the upcoming fiscal year while increasing defense funding by about 3.5 percent. “That’s about on par with previous budget agreements,” Young said on NBC's "The Today Show," noting her experience in negotiating prior bipartisan spending deals in her decades as a top House appropriators aide.

"This deal was compromise," Young said. "Neither side gets everything they want."

The White House scored some good news over the weekend after the leadership team for the New Democratic Coalition — a 98-member voting bloc of centrists who are among the most likely to back the bill — released a statement announcing the group’s support for the bipartisan agreement. The Congressional Black Caucus was also doing its own whip Monday afternoon, according to a Democratic aide who asked to remain anonymous to speak freely about the discussions.

Meanwhile House progressives, who have expressed frustration over the new work requirements in two government assistance programs — TANF and SNAP — are still mostly nos, according to the aide, who described it as the typical push and pull from members. All things considered, the aide said, there was optimism about the deal passing the House this week.

Even though the debt limit package would lock in spending limits for the fiscal year that starts in October, Republican lawmakers are already talking about negotiating further cuts in the coming months.

“This is the beginning,” Rep. Stephanie Bice (R-Okla.) told reporters on Monday. “We've certainly wanted to see additional cuts in spending. Whether we can get that across the finish line through the appropriations process, it remains to be seen.”

The Congressional Budget Office gave Republicans an initial estimate Monday of the debt limit package’s potential effect on federal spending, predicting that it would cut about $2.1 trillion if funding caps are followed for six years, according to lawmakers.

Myah Ward contributed to this report.

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Spy agency warns Canadian MP that she’s on Beijing's ‘evergreen’ target list

OTTAWA — A Hong Kong-born lawmaker says Canada’s top spy agency warned her that Beijing has her marked as an “evergreen” political target due to her activism.

New Democrat MP Jenny Kwan told reporters Monday the Canadian Security Intelligence Service told her last week during a classified briefing that she’s a target for foreign interference by the Chinese government “and will continue to be a target.”

Kwan’s disclosure is the latest development in a thorny foreign interference controversy that’s been fueled by months of intelligence leaks.

The leaks have launched a third-party investigation, revealing “serious shortcomings” in how security agencies and government handle sensitive intelligence. The Vancouver MP declined to provide additional details about the nature of the threat, citing national security concerns.

Kwan, instead, doubled down on her advocacy, saying she will not be intimidated or silenced about Hong Kong. She is the second Canadian lawmaker to go public about being targeted by China.

“To see the situation unravel as it has, and continues to, breaks my heart,” she said, adding she feels relief knowing she doesn’t have family members living in Hong Kong or China.

The security threat isn’t immediate.

“While I cannot share classified information from my briefing with CSIS, it is clear that there is no indication of any physical threat against me or my family,” she told POLITICO in an email.

Kwan pushed for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to call a national inquiry into foreign meddling by the Chinese government, despite an independent investigator’s recent advice that one would not be possible given the sensitivity of tradecraft.

Parliamentarians returned to Parliament Hill this week for one last four-week stretch before the House and Senate adjourn for summer.

Political fireworks are expected as opposition parties continue to cast the independent investigation, led by former governor general David Johnston, as evidence of cronyism given his ties with the Trudeau family.

New Democrat Leader Jagmeet Singh said he plans to introduce a non-binding motion Tuesday to urge Johnston to resign from his role as government-appointed investigator into foreign interference.

“The appearance of bias is so high that it erodes the work that the special rapporteur can do,” he said, promoting a public airing of secrets as one way to “reinstill confidence in our electoral system.”

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Monday 29 May 2023

What Turkey's Erdoğan does next

A vital NATO power, with an economy in trouble, just gave its strongman president five more years.

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Wrinkles and curveballs in the debt ceiling bill

The newly released legislative text enshrining the debt-limit compromise largely matches the deal that the White House and Speaker Kevin McCarthy had announced a day earlier: a proposal that would lift the $31.4 trillion ceiling through 2024 and place new limits on federal spending.

But the bill also includes its share of surprises and curveballs — including provisions that neither party had previewed in their attempts to drum up support for the deal, or which clashed with some of the pre-release spin. In other cases, the text makes even more clear what kinds of trade-offs President Joe Biden and McCarthy had to accept in ways that are already angering members of the parties’ bases.

These are a few of the details that could draw new attention in the coming days, as Congress takes up the bill just days before the deadline to avert a first-ever default on the national debt:

A greenlight for Joe Manchin’s favorite gas pipeline

In one unexpected development, the bill would approve all the remaining permits to complete the stalled Mountain Valley Pipeline, an Appalachian natural gas project that has been a top priority of West Virginia Sens. Joe Manchin and Shelley Moore Capito.

Manchin had tried last year to secure approval of the permit in return for providing the decisive support for Biden’s climate bill — only to see GOP opposition sink his permitting overhaul legislation.

On Sunday night, Manchin hailed the language in the debt bill that would greenlight the project, saying finishing the pipeline would lower energy costs for the United States and West Virginia. Neither side in the debt bill’s negotiations had disclosed Mountain Valley’s inclusion until the release of the legislative text Sunday night.

"I am proud to have fought for this critical project and to have secured the bipartisan support necessary to get it across the finish line," Manchin said in a statement.

The Biden administration has also supported the project, arguing it is needed for U.S. energy security.

But the move is sure to set off bitter complaints from the environmental groups that have fought its construction for years and have turned the pipeline into a symbol of their struggle against fossil fuels. Protesters objecting to Mountain Valley disrupted an appearance by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm at POLITICO’s Energy Summit earlier this month.

“President Biden made a colossal error in negotiating a deal that sacrifices the climate and working families,” said Jean Su, the energy justice program director of an environmental group called the Center for Biological Diversity, said in a statement Sunday night.

But energy permitting rules would get only modest changes

As POLITICO had reported before the bill’s release, the text makes only modest updates to environmental permitting rules governing both fossil fuel and clean energy projects. This means that the major changes that members of both parties had sought will be left for Congress to hash out for some future legislation.

The deal would set one- or two-year time limits for certain kinds of environmental reviews of new projects, and would allow developers to go to court if agencies miss the deadlines.

Among other provisions, the bill also calls for designating a lead federal agency to conduct reviews for any particular project, an idea that has previously won favor among administrations of both parties. It would allow companies to assume a greater role in preparing their own environmental reviews, while leaving the ultimate responsibility to the government.

However, the bill doesn’t include major changes Republicans had sought, such as restrictions on the ability of project opponents to sue.

“It’s minimal, but statutory limits of one and two-year … isn’t nothing,” Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), a former utility regulator who is active on permitting issues, told POLITICO in a text message. “Of course there is also hope of continuing the effort with momentum.”

Such a “shot clock,” or deadline, has been on the oil industry’s wish list for years.A White House report from 2020 found that the average review took more than four years to complete as of 2018, though it can be much longer for some projects.

Renewable energy trade groups, meanwhile, also broadly support changes that would place “reasonable” timelines on environmental assessments. Wind and solar projects are both experiencing breakneck growth, but permitting reviews can mire them in delay.

Both Republicans and the White House claimed victory. The Biden administration touted its ability to avoid a gutting of last year’s climate law — though the legislation was never considered seriously threatened.

IRS' cuts steeper than some had expected

Biden agreed to trim $21.4 billion from one of his signature achievements — an $80 billion boost in Internal Revenue Service funding that Democrats had pushed through last year.

That's a bigger cut than many earlier news reports describing the deal had envisioned.

While the debt legislation calls for only a $1.4 billion rescission immediately, the administration says it has agreed to take another $10 billion this fall to shore up other non-defense discretionary spending in annual appropriations bills.

And it says it will repeat that next year when lawmakers tackle fiscal year 2025 funding — swiping another $10 billion from that $80 billion and using it for other domestic programs.

“Pay-as-you-go” limits on executive actions — unless the administration waives them

The bill text applies Congress’ “pay as you go” rule — which requires new spending to be offset by savings elsewhere — to executive actions. That would mean presidential actions like student loan forgiveness could require a huge offset. Such restrictions, one Democrat warned before the text’s release, “could be disastrous.”

But the text says the White House Office of Management and Budget could waive the requirements if "necessary for the delivery of essential services" or "necessary for effective program delivery." And it would protect OMB’s handling of the provision from legal challenges, saying: “No determination, finding, action, or omission under this title shall be subject to judicial review.”

The provision would expire at the end of 2024.

New SNAP restrictions' impact on low-income people become clearer

While not exactly a surprise, the legislative text makes clear what both sides had disclosed late Saturday: The bill would tighten restrictions for the country's leading anti-hunger program, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, by expanding the number of people who would have to work to receive the food aid.

Under existing law, adults up to 49 years old who do not have children must meet work requirements to continue to receive SNAP aid after a certain time period. The new agreement would gradually raise that age limit to 54, though the expanded limits would sunset in 2030.

An estimated 275,000 low-income Americans are at risk of losing their SNAP benefits due to the changes, the Congressional Budget Office estimated in April.

And that’s unacceptable, progressives said Sunday — despite the White House’s assurance that it had won new exemptions waiving the work requirements for all homeless people and veterans for the first time.

The White House argues that as a result of those new exemptions, the total number of people covered by SNAP is unlikely to change under the deal.

Even so, the policy will “increase hunger and poverty among [hundreds of thousands of older, low-income Americans], runs contrary to our nation’s values, and should be rejected,” the liberal-aligned Center on Budget and Policy Priorities said Sunday. The think tank added that “improvements for some don’t justify expanding to others a failed policy that will increase and deepen poverty.”

Biden brushed off the criticism Sunday night. Asked about the concerns of some Hill Democrats that the deal would lead low-income Americans to go hungry, the president responded that it was a “ridiculous assertion.”

Biden must resume collecting student loans, charging interest

The deal would force the administration to resume collecting federal student loan payments and interest for millions of Americans after Aug. 30, ending a payment pause that had originated as a response to the pandemic.

The Biden administration has repeatedly announced an end to the pause, only to extend it again, to the frustration of Republicans. But that path would be off the table under the debt ceiling deal.

But the bill does not specify how or when precisely the Education Department must resume collecting payments. That means the administration could proceed with its plan to offer borrowers some type of grace period or extra flexibility with payments as collections restart.

White House officials see the deal as codifying into law what the administration had already been planning to do, which was resume collecting payments in September.

“Despite Republicans’ efforts to end targeted student debt relief and move up our planned end to the payment pause, we will ensure a smooth return to repayment process,” Education Secretary Miguel Cardona said on Twitter on Sunday.

Cardona added that the “deal also protects our ability to pause student loan payments should that be necessary in future emergencies.” Republicans had pushed to permanently curtail the Education Department’s power to cancel or modify student loans.

McCarthy hailed the elimination of the student loan pause as a “victory.” In an interview with Fox News, he noted that the pause costs the government roughly $5 billion each month in forgone revenue.

But the deal would not affect Biden’s separate plan to forgive as much as $20,000 in student debt per borrower — something many Republicans had sought to repeal as part of the debt ceiling negotiations. That plan remains in limbo at the Supreme Court, which is expected to rule in the coming weeks on whether it can proceed.

Josh Siegel, Brian Faler, Michael Stratford and Meredith Lee Hill contributed to this report.

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