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Thursday 27 April 2023

More adults think access to abortion should be easier, Pew report finds

The number of adults living in states where abortion is banned or restricted who believe that access to abortion should be easier has grown since 2019, according to a new report from the Pew Research Center.

In states that implemented bans on nearly all abortions after the Dobbs decision last year, 43 percent of adults said they believe it should be easier to get an abortion where they live, compared to 31 percent in 2019. In states that have seen new restrictions, either implemented or tied up in legal disputes, 38 percent believe access should be easier, up from 27 percent in 2019. The numbers are also up in states without any new abortion restrictions, now at 27 percent compared to 24 percent in 2019.

The report, released Wednesday, included data from 5,079 respondents with a margin of error of +/- 1.7 percentage points. The survey was conducted between March 27 and April 2.

Overall support for abortion is also up since 1995, according to the report, but most of that change comes from an increase in support from Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents.

The percentage of adults who believe it would be somewhat easy or very easy to get an abortion where they live is down to 54 percent, from 65 percent in 2019. In 1995, 63 percent of Democrats and those leaning Democratic said abortion should be legal in all or most cases; in 2023, that number was up to 84 percent. Republican support for abortion saw a much smaller increase in support, up to 40 percent in 2023 from 39 percent in 1995.

Abortion access has become a defining issue in elections across the country, spreading into local races like the one for a Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin. As support for abortion access increases, lawmakers — particularly Republicans — have become more divided over how to handle the issue.

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Biden pushes back on concerns about age and low approval amid 2024 reelection bid: ‘I feel good’

President Joe Biden on Wednesday brushed off concerns about his age and sagging approval rating, saying voters will have to judge “whether or not I have it” in his first public comments addressing his 2024 reelection bid.

Speaking at a Rose Garden press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol, Biden was asked to respond to Americans who believe he shouldn’t run again. The president was measured in his response, noting that he may not be the only candidate to take on his predecessor, Donald Trump, but that he knows the “danger he presents to our democracy.”

Biden, who would be 86 at the end of a second term, said he “can’t even say that number” referring to his age. He said it “doesn’t even register” with him.

But voters will be the ultimate decider about whether he’s too old for office, he added. His answer marks his first public comments on the 2024 race after Tuesday’s launch — and his first addressing the obstacles hovering over his reelection bid.

“I respect them taking a hard look at it. I’ve taken a hard look at it as well — I took a hard look at it before I decided to run,” Biden said. “I feel good. And I feel excited about the prospects, and I think we’re on the verge of really turning the corner in a way we haven’t in a long time.”

Biden also said he has seen the poll numbers and is in a similar position to past presidents running for reelection.

“What I keep hearing about is that I’m between 42 and 46 percent favorable rating. But everybody running for reelection in this time has been in the same position. There’s nothing new about that. You’re making it sound like Biden’s really underwater,” he said.

The president then touted specific legislative accomplishments and economic growth.

“And the reason I’m running again is there’s a job to finish.”

Of the three presidents who failed to win a second term in recent decades, two had approval ratings roughly equal to Biden’s. But former Presidents Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan also hovered around Biden’s numbers, and both were reelected.

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Equal Rights Amendment will be 'heavy lift' for Dems, GOP senator says

"It only takes 41 to block [the measure]," Thune said. "I think it will be a heavy lift [for Democrats]."

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Wednesday 26 April 2023

Trial begins in civil lawsuit accusing Trump of rape

The civil lawsuit from a woman who says Donald Trump raped her decades ago centers on a “brief, brutal attack,” a lawyer for the woman, E. Jean Carroll, told the jury as the trial kicked off in Manhattan federal court Tuesday.

Carroll, a magazine columnist, is suing Trump for allegedly attacking her in a dressing room of luxury department store Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s and sexually assaulting her — a claim Trump denies, saying the incident “never happened.” She also is suing him for defamation for publicly calling her allegations a “hoax.” She is seeking unspecified money damages.

Describing how Carroll and Trump bantered playfully before he allegedly assaulted her in the dressing room, Carroll’s lawyer, Shawn Crowley, told the 9-person jury, “the moment they went inside, everything changed. Suddenly, nothing was funny.”

“Trump was almost twice her size,” Crowley said to the jury. “He held down her arm, pulled down her tights and then he sexually assaulted her.”

Trump, who isn’t required to appear at the proceedings, didn’t attend the first day of the trial. His lawyer, Joe Tacopina, sought to portray Carroll’s claim as a “sick story” while also trying to reassure jurors that they could side with his client even if they dislike him.

“You can hate Donald Trump. It’s OK,” Tacopina told jurors. “But there’s a time and a secret place for that. It’s called a ballot box. Not here, in a court of law.”

“While no one is above the law, no one is also beneath the law,” he continued. “Politicians don’t make this country great, jurors do.”

Carroll, Tacopina argued, was motivated by money and by politics. He questioned her claim that no shoppers or employees were around to witness the incident in the department store, and he emphasized that she couldn’t recall certain details, most notably the precise timing of the alleged attack.

“You learned that E. Jean Carroll can’t tell you the date. She can't tell you the month. She can’t tell you the season. She can’t even tell you the year,” he said.

“Evidence will tell you that E. Jean Carroll can’t do any of those things because the story isn’t true.”

To combat some of those arguments, Crowley emphasized two main points in her opening statements: that Carroll’s account is corroborated by two friends she told contemporaneously and by former Bergdorf Goodman employees who can testify to physical attributes of the store at that time, and that Trump’s alleged assault of Carroll is part of a pattern. More than two dozen women have accused him of sexual misconduct.

Two other women who have accused Trump of sexual assault, Jessica Leeds and Natasha Stynoff, are set to testify, and Carroll’s attorneys have received permission from the judge to use the “Access Hollywood” tape — in which Trump boasts on a hot mic that “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything,” adding, “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything” — as evidence at trial.

Trump’s lawyer, Tacopina, dismissed the significance of the tape, calling it a “lewd conversation from 20 years ago.” The tape was recorded in 2005 and became public in 2016.

“It’s foolish, but it’s locker room talk,” he said. “It’s not an admission.”

Crowley also seized on a statement Trump made in disputing Carroll’s claims that Carroll is “not my type!”

First, Crowley told the jury, “we all know what that means: He was saying she was too ugly to assault.”

Later in her remarks, she also argued that his comment was not only offensive but also a lie. Describing a portion of his videotaped deposition that Carroll’s lawyers intend to show the jury, Crowley showed jurors a black and white photograph of Trump with Carroll.

“When Trump was shown this photograph at his deposition late last year, he looked at it, he pointed to it, unprompted, and he said, ‘It’s Marla! Yeah, it’s Marla, my wife,’” Crowley said, raising her voice.

“He mistook her for Marla Maples, his second wife, a former model, who he admitted was exactly his type.”

The trial is expected to last between one and two weeks, and testimony is set to begin Wednesday. While Trump isn’t expected to attend the trial in coming days, the judge nevertheless offered an instruction that appeared aimed at the absent defendant.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan, who in court filings took issue with Trump’s recent comments urging his supporters to protest criminal charges against him, advised the lawyers to warn their clients against making remarks that “inspire violence.”

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Roberts declines to appear at Senate's Supreme Court ethics hearing

Chief Justice John Roberts has declined an invitation to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to discuss ethics reform on the high court after a report revealed Justice Clarence Thomas' close friendship with a GOP megadonor.

"I extended an invitation to the Chief Justice, or his designate, in an attempt to include the Court in this discussion. But make no mistake: Supreme Court ethics reform must happen, whether the Court participates in the process or not," Judiciary panel chief Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said in a statement Tuesday.

After a Pro Publica report revealed Thomas accepted lavish gifts and travel for the last two decades from Harlan Crow, a Texas real estate billionaire, Durbin invited Roberts to appear before the committee on May 2, saying his testimony on ethics issues would help provide transparency.

But a Durbin spokesperson told POLITICO Tuesday that Roberts declined to appear for the hearing. Durbin has previously said he plans for the hearing to proceed even if Roberts declined to appear.

“I am surprised that the Chief Justice’s recounting of existing legal standards of ethics suggests current law is adequate and ignores the obvious. The actions of one Justice, including trips on yachts and private jets, were not reported to the public. That same Justice failed to disclose the sale of properties he partly owned to a party with interests before the Supreme Court," Durbin said in the statement.

He added: “It is time for Congress to accept its responsibility to establish an enforceable code of ethics for the Supreme Court, the only agency of our government without it.”

In a letter to Durbin explaining his reasons for declining, Roberts wrote that a chief justice's testimony before Congress "is exceedingly rare, as one might expect in light of separation of powers concerns and the importance of preserving judicial independence."

Durbin, who is also the majority whip, has previously suggested the committee cannot subpoena Roberts because of the absence of Sen. Dianne Feinstein , a longtime Judiciary Committee member who has been away from the Senate for months while being treated for shingles.

The ProPublica report detailed two decades of Thomas' relationship with Crow, which included trips on Crow's private jet and yacht, as well as visits to Crow's lavish properties.

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European Union to deploy mission to Moldova to combat threats from Russia

Brussels is stepping in after intelligence agencies warned Moscow's agents are planning to sow chaos in the country.

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Facebook, Twitter to face new EU content rules by Aug. 25

“With great scale comes great responsibility,” said the EU’s Internal Market Commissioner Thierry Breton.

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